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Friday, September 29, 2017

Good Question


  1. Absolutely correct. Does anyone know the exact amount of statues Mr Obama placed and how much. Why are we so afraid of blacks and let them get their way. Just Lok at the Fed gov.

  2. It's because white supremacists and Nazi's didn't feel emboldened by President Obama to come out of their holes and openly rally around them.

  3. 7:19 people are afraid of blacks because their record of murdering speaks for itself. Almost 10,000 a year murdered by their own and 10's of 1000's shot by other blacks. And under obama's watch they really stepped up their murdering game.

  4. 8:19 - Really?? 0bama surely emboldened all those who are taking the statues down so once again your liberal mind set is taking you down the wrong road. This is all about optics and nothing else. Bringing statues down is to race bait and stir up trouble for the Trump adm. Only thing is while these losers are wasting their time, Trump is getting things done. Little steps are steps.


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