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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Globalists Seize Control of White House Trade Shop

President Donald Trump will likely find it harder to put in place trade policies designed to protect American jobs and technology thanks to chief of staff John Kelly’s latest maneuver.

Kelly has put the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, run by economist Peter Navarro, under the National Economic Council, headed by former Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn, Politco reports. The move means that Navarro, a strong voice for nationalist trade policies inside the White House, will now report to Cohn, who has led the opposition to many of the policies–such as tariffs–proposed by Navarro.

In other words, the globalists have mounted a hostile takeover of the nationalist trade office in the White House.

Giving Cohn supervision over the trade shop is a strange choice. Trump has expressed frustration at the pace of change when it comes to trade policy, telling Kelly “I want tariffs.” CNN reported that Trump has directed much of his frustration about the lack of progress on trade at Cohn. Now Cohn will be the boss of the main advocate of tariffs in the White House.


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