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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Georgia Tech police fatally shoot 21-year-old college student with knife

ATLANTA - The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is handling the case of an officer-involved shooting that happened on the campus of Georgia Tech.

According to the GBI, the Georgia Tech Police Department responded to a 911 call about a person with a knife and gun in the area of Eighth Street on the campus at about 11 p.m. Saturday.

Officers arrived and found Scott Schultz, 21, armed with a knife outside a Georgia Tech dormitory.

Schultz was not cooperative and would not comply with officers' commands to drop the knife, the GBI said. They said Schultz approached the officers, despite continuous commands.



  1. I think a taser could have disarmed him. Killing was not necessary.

  2. Walk in their shoes 938am. Most times it is NOT as easy as everyone thinks!

  3. 9:38 Am: I am glad you people are starting to see the problem here... Cops can murder you and just say, meh, I was scared or in fear when they shouldn't be, or have no reason to be, especially since according to the ass cheek sucking cop lovers, that cops are professional, and are highly trained...

    What I love (sarcastic) about cops is how they never de-escalate anything... Always wanting to use their gun first, second and last... Never even trying to use their taser or other means to stop the so called criminal... They don't have patience and care for life but their own...

    Also what I love (sarcastic) about cops is how they think they have a right to go home alive over anyone else, even the people who pay their salary... I like how they always claim it's officer's safety... Well, policy, and thinking like that is not LAW get that???? NOT LAW and as such, cannot be enforced like it is law... But then again, who is going to stop them from all of this??? Certainly not their bosses who tell them to go out and do these things, certainly not the DA or Judge since they all have a vested interest while working together... And certainly not the citizens, they are to stupid and lazy to care, until it happens to them, which we all know is to late to do anything by then...

    1. Your a DOMESTIC TERRORIST that part is obvious. I wonder who is WATCHING your computer habits? I wonder if you are REGISTERED. If not you will be.

  4. Unless policy has changed you are told to meet force one step higher than what is presented against you as a Police Officer. You are the one that has to control and defuse a situation as quickly as possible without injury if possible. The next higher step from a knife is a gun.

  5. he (it) came at the officer with a deadly weapon and was charging within the 21 foot line. Shoot center mass first, then be ready to shoot again. Adrenaline at that moment makes aiming almost impossible.

  6. 10:09 AM more excuses to kill. Stop trying to defend the indefensible.
    I don't have to walk in their shoes to know right from wrong.
    Koolaid drinking sheeple

  7. 10:09 AM No one said or will say it is easy to be a cop, but you are failing at using your brain of course, as usual... Cops break the law, what about that??? Cops, harass people for no reason, what about that??? Cops, shoot and murder people for made up reason's, or becasue the cop themselves put themselves in a position to be harmed, what about that???? What about all of those cops being caught planting evidence to get people locked up, what about that??????

    Oh that's right, lets not talk about the bad things cops do, since that is what makes people hate the cops in the first place!!!! NO lets just focus on how hard it is or ins't to be a cop, lets not look at the fact most cops are the ones earning the hate they receive by what they do...

    I suggest you go look on you tube, where a cop himself, did a video where as cops, you all need to be more professional, and treat people with respect becasue you never know, who will remember you for what you did or didn't do days, weeks, even years later...

    Also remember as a cop who does break the law and does these bad things, people will remember, and could lash back, and that not only puts you or your buddies in harms way, but your family and friends... Remember you cops might be protected with implied immunity and that might be why you do what you do, but your family and friends are not and can be affected by your actions...

    Eventually, someone will say enough is enough and say eye for an eye...

    1. FYI
      Not all whites are racist
      Not all blacks are thugs
      Not all country folk are rednecks
      Not all teachers are good teachers
      Not all doctors should be doctors
      Not all cops are bad.

      Stop the nonsense. Target the bad apples and leave the rest alone.

    2. 1027 you are a TERRORIST please leave OUR country WE THE PEOPLE do not want you here. TRAITOR.

  8. I heard it was a liberal knife.

  9. Two previous suicide attempts. This time the boy / girl (bisexual) succeeded with suicide by cop.

  10. how do you shoot someone with a knife? don't you need a gun to do that?

  11. 10:26, 10:27 the cops are not the bad guys. you come at the police with a knife and refuse an order over a dozen times and what do you expect

  12. Anonymous said...
    10:09 AM more excuses to kill. Stop trying to defend the indefensible.
    I don't have to walk in their shoes to know right from wrong.
    Koolaid drinking sheeple

    September 18, 2017 at 10:26 AM

    What a stupid comment from a liberal snowflake!

  13. Anonymous said...
    Two previous suicide attempts. This time the boy / girl (bisexual) succeeded with suicide by cop.

    September 18, 2017 at 10:56 AM

    One less confused idiot thanks to Liberal Democrats who made it that way.

  14. Great job Officer. I am so proud of you and your courage.

  15. Anonymous said...
    10:26, 10:27 the cops are not the bad guys. you come at the police with a knife and refuse an order over a dozen times and what do you expect

    September 18, 2017 at 11:08 AM

    But he should have used a taser, wah, wah, wah.

  16. 10:27 Just because there are a few bad cops, doesn't give anyone the right to kill a good cop. You seem to forget all of these idiots that get shot were breaking the law in the first place. I am 65 years old and never once had a confrontation with a police officer. Probably because I tried to live a good life and didn't commit crimes. Just put yourself in the police officers shoes for a minute. If you were doing your job and someone came at you with a knife, or a gun or a car what would you do? Would you let them stab you or shoot you or run over you. Probably not you would defend yourself as anyone would. So don't judge all cops by a few bad ones. I'm sure whatever job you do has a few bad people doing that too. But that doesn't mean you are one of the bad ones. And by the way not all police departments have tasers. As they have been known to kill people with heart problems.

  17. Excellent shoot especially since the deceased escalated the situation by his own actions. Police clearly tried to deescalate.

  18. Man, I had to stop reading some of these opponents of Law and Order. Wonder how many bad mouthing the police failed the entry examine? (not sarcastic) Sure appears to be most of them and very obvious why. Have you ever used a taser or maced a person? Do you think you will be cuddled if you charge someone (anyone)with a weapon? You keyboard quarterbacks would probably throw a hand-grenade if you didn't have a chance to run for fear. Center mass is the correct method in my humble opinion and I'm just a law abiding citizen, not a police person. Good job officers!

  19. The guy/girl was a lunatic with a death wish. Got what he/she wanted.

  20. Good! You don't bring a knife to a gun fight!

  21. His friends FAILED him. His TEACHERS failed him. He was mentally ill and showing OBVIOUS signs but instead they put him up on a podium. Very sad.

  22. All you anti cop fools on here, let me get within 21 feet of you with a knife, and then see how you feel about talking it over. Guy deserved to die by his own actions. People do not become cops to die in the line of duty by someone. They are trained to do the opposite. A smart man once told me ''some people just need to be shot''. You can't help the stupid. EVERYONE deserves to go home at night, but some people make bad choices with their lives. What do think this guy expected when he approached police with a weapon?

  23. She had mental issues and wanted to be a Martyr. I agree a taser would have worked but we weren't there.

  24. And now the students riot....

    No, really. They're rioting over this. They think cops should die before lethal force is used on an advancing armed student that refuses to drop the weapon, or stop their advance on the officer.

  25. Just another Stupid cop on his way to prison, who should
    have used a Taser instead of a bullet !! Period
    You have Good cops and Bad cops just like any other job !!

    No need to shoot somebody with a frigg'in knife in this case ...........could have taken them down any number of
    non-Lethal ways.......Common Sense !!!

  26. Now mom and dad will want an enormous amount of money for the loss of their defective son/daughter.


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