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Friday, September 29, 2017

Fuel cell breakthrough could extend battery life

Scientists have developed a new technique to examine the inner membrane of a fuel cell, in a breakthrough that could be a ‘game changer’ for cleaner energy.

The lifetime of a fuel cell relies on a process called oxidation, or the breakdown of its central electrolyte membrane – and, researchers have now found a way to observe the formation of the chemicals that give rise to this process.

As oxidation can cause holes to form in the membrane and eventually cause the cell to short circuit, the new work could now help to develop ways to prevent this damage, and extend the life of the fuel cell.



  1. engines powered by water. Its been done, but would destroy the auto industry!

  2. There is and will always be losses in energy when it's state is changed. McEsher drew out a lossless world. Thoughtful but never practical


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