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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Flashback: Red Cross Spent 25 Percent Of Haiti Donations On Internal Expenses

[Originally published June 16, 2016]

The American Red Cross spent a quarter of the money people donated after the 2010 Haiti earthquake — or almost $125 million — on its own internal expenses, far more than the charity previously had disclosed, according to a report released Thursday by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley.

The report also says the charity's top officials stonewalled congressional investigators and released incomplete information about its Haiti program to the public. It concludes "there are substantial and fundamental concerns about [the Red Cross] as an organization."

The report follows a nearly year-long investigation by the Iowa Republican and his staff, launched after coverage by NPR and ProPublica of the Red Cross' Haiti response. The venerated charity raised nearly $500 million after the disaster, more than any other non-profit, but an ambitious plan to build housing resulted in just six permanent homes, NPR and ProPublica found.

Other findings in Sen. Grassley's report:


  1. Let's not put all of the bad tidings on the Red Cross for the Haiti debacle. The Clinton Foundation went a step beyond and made some of Bill & Hillary's friends and relatives rich while providing next to nothing to the Haitians.

  2. So very wrong for so called charities to do this. People think their money is going toward helping those in dire need and in all reality it's going to help make the rich richer. So wrong!!

  3. Oh yes 1037 - Red Cross = bad!

  4. At least they spent something. Clinton Foundation bragged about sending a ton to Haiti. Too bad no one of authority in Haiti knew anything about it. Also she as SS okayed businesses that donated to her foundation to rebuild Haiti using US tax payers money. Most things never got built but the contractors collected the money. That hag is a pure piece of garbage and anyone who supports her is nothing but a POS garbage themselves and total useless scum of the earth.


  5. Didn't Chelsea have her wedding in Haiti with Red Cross as Maid of Dishonor?


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