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Sunday, September 03, 2017

Fire Chiefs Association Calls Boy Mayor Jake Day A Liar


  1. Imagine that, a lying Democrat.

  2. A change between a ratified agreement date and an effective date must still be ratified and state it is replacing the original agreement.
    Day and Culver need better advice around them. And if they allow it, it would serve them to heed it

  3. Day does not care about being called a liar! The ends justify the means. Most democrats have no integrity.

    1. Your right day only cares about day .

  4. AGAIN WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO JAKE ??????? Wow the wheels are falling off all your carts.

  5. Take the money back, Bob, and defund Hoppes. Make him squeal! He can't run a fire service without money, and Jake doesn't have two nickels to rub together.

  6. President and Vice-President have never lived in the State of Maryland, much less Wicomico County. Both fools and could care less about the added burden on County tax payers. On the other hand I'm excited to see 13 up and running so that everyone who commented on this site can see their turnout rates on the 70 calls a year that they'll have. Which, by the way, will cost taxpayers $300,000 a year.

    1. They represent Delmar fire department which serves MD and DE fire services. And have always been a part of this organization. They care more than you know

    2. Whos the fool the vp has lived in maryland is from maryland has all fire training from md 40 years of fire service in md and works in md oh if the fools only new what they were talking about

  7. It's about time the chiefs association stands grounds against the county and the city . It's time the city stops running the county . It's time to cut all ties mr. Culver . Everybody involved should remember this agreement at next election how this agreement benefits the city and they should be doing things to be benefit the county . It's going to be a hard election year because of this . Remember you work for wicomico county not city of Salisbury. The county needs to take over all fire services for it's county and not just basically lease it out .

  8. Finally the chiefs association taking a stand in this mess.

  9. Get rid of the city

    1. Agree they have always been a problem always wanting special privileges

  10. I can't help but think how this will make all of us suffer. Can't even get the emergency services to run efficiently...

  11. What EVERYONE needs to know is what John Cannon is doing to Executive Culver. He is NO DIFFERENT then what the current MSM is doing to Trump.

    Bob Culver has NO SAY in wheather or not Station 13 becomes a station, or not. It is the Chief's Association that makes, (and has made) that decision. Cannon is trying to make it look like ALL of this is Culver's fault, IT IS NOT.

    Culver, (as he should) is simply SUPPORTING the Volunteers throughout the entire County. He firmly respects and appreciates their unconditional support to their fellow residents. Culver has stated to Cannon from day one, DO NOT MAKE THIS A POLITICAL ISSUE. That is exactly what Cannon has done and needs to be called out.

    1. Joe if I could add that cannon also made a horrible statement after the county association meeting at Pittsville stating that it may take a house lost or a life lost it's just a part of doing business. For a official to make that statement is out there and dose not deserve to run this county. We all need to stand tall against this careless man .

  12. Jake has only had two missions in office and he has fulfilled them both SELFIES AND MORE BARS IN SALISBURY--CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Jake Day is a POS.

  14. Can't wait to see the face of Bryan Records when these 13 volunteers get riding. He will probably walk away crying and go stitch some gloves while sniffing a jock strap. Then tell his war stories of how he was a semi pro ballerina.

    1. This is priceless

    2. I can't sleep tonight. I actually wish I could hear him tell one of his war stories. Like, how he singlehandedly fought the Riverside Medical Center fire or another rendition of the Salisbury Fire bell being moved from downtown to the ghetto. Those stories put me right to sleep.

  15. Time for a Fire Service Commission. A fire service commission would see through this crap and advise the County Executive of the wrong doings of the City of Salisbury, Jake Day, the Salisbury Fire Department and Richard A. Hoppes.

    1. As a career firefighter in another county I think this is a great idea. But I can assure you he would not side with the WCFCA's side of things on the matter. You should really make the push for this for the sake of the citizens in the county.

  16. Sounds like it's time to cut ties with the city

  17. How can any of the elected officials, who are not firemen, KNOW enough to make an informed decision. To hire a former fired, disgruntled Salisbury Fire Chief to do a study was sheer stupidity. It just underscores that Day doesn't know what the H#LL he is doing. Culver needs to step up his game and bring in some real experienced talent (as in a nationally recognized consultant) to help resolve these issues. Wicomico County is backward and needs to modernize how they manage fire and EMS. There is an opportunity to show real progressive leadership. I hope Culver makes the best of it.

  18. And the beat goes on.....and on...and on....

  19. 508 Money, not sure what that is or how it plays into the larger story?

  20. Stop funding the city make the county stations take over the territories

    1. Agreed. Let the county fire chiefs handle all responsibility for the fire districts outside of SFD fire district (both city and county portions) and NOT govern anything to do with SFD. This includes dispatch procedures and operational responses. If Willards and Hebron want their dispatches and responses one way, so be it. If SFD has a different plan and way they want things done, the county fire chiefs shouldn't be able to dictate otherwise.
      The SFD runs 70% of the calls in the county. The norm in SFD is an under 90 second response, the norm everywhere else is realert at least twice and maybe scratch. You all can keep that norm for your citizens, the SFD will just keep doing business as usual,

  21. JAKE... JAKE....Turn off your video games and go to work

  22. I have been reading all this about the paid fire service in the city and the remaking of a volunteer group and have one comment. If my life depended on a disgruntled paid firefighter group and a volunteer fire fighter, I would choose the Volunteer group with no further thought forward as they are the heart of our firefighters. Volunteers care!! Cannon making the statement that it may take a house lost or a life lost it's just a part of doing business makes me have a comment for him. If this political BS causes any of my family to die or go untreated for the actions of the fire companies and your thoughts then I am sure I could find the best law firm to take care of your thoughts. When I get ready to fill that voter form next time, I will remember your comment Mr. Cannon.

  23. If this county council keeps the path they are on and will not support the county chiefs association I will do all I can to see that the ones who do not support the Chiefs association do not get re elected. The council has no clue about what the fire service is or does in this county, now they won't listen to the ones that do. Wth ? Is wrong with these idiots . Sounds like a pact has been formed between Cannon and Day and they are hell bent on destroying the county as a whole. And no I'm not in the fire dept. I am a county resident who owns several businesses in ocean city, but have many loyal voting friends and colleagues in Wicomico county. They will not support these clowns and their grandstanding against the county executive who seems to be doing the right thing.

  24. If the county chiefs association does not agree or endorse this agreement then it needs to be pulled. I trust the county chiefs association more than the bean counters in the county council. It's the Fire Chiefs association s joy to protect , direct and serve, it's the county council s job to see that their requirements are met both financially and logistical. They decide what's needed not you all. You are not their leaders you are their supporters and better start realizing this. They don't owe you anything, but you owe them everything. If they support station 13 it's your duty and job to support this decision, they are the professionals on this topic not the council. Stop grandstanding and making this a political game. Citizens of this county's lives and safety is not a political bargaining chip. You are pissing off the wrong people.

  25. Need to get rid of Cannon he is constantly grandstanding for political reasons and constantly tried to undermine Culver. He's buddy buddy with Day and siding with him when he doesn't have a clue about the fire service. And Day is only sucking up to Hoppes and the paid crew to store his own self, he doesn't have true leadership skills. He's another one that needs to go he's only interested in himself.

  26. Time for the city to handle the city and the county to handle the county. Instead of the city always trying to get more money because they can't handle their finances. Thats the whole thing in a nutshell they don't have the money to finance three city departments and wants the county to pay.

  27. Interesting, good ole boys have more authority that elected sworn officials.

  28. Parsonsburg and Fruitland fire departments who will be affected have also said no to offering or receiving mutual aid from station 13.

    1. Wrong fruitland has to discuss it on the floor and Parsonburg said they would if we are a riding company.

    2. Parsonburg has not denied mutual aid . They wanna know what equipment they have to offer . The only station questioned is station 3 but others stations said they would

    3. Well let's see fruitland realerts all the time so I think they need some help for anybody at this point and parsonsburg is just scared because the city is coming for their territory. Man on the street says they might even shut them down.

  29. Anonymous said...
    It's about time the chiefs association stands grounds against the county and the city . It's time the city stops running the county . It's time to cut all ties mr. Culver . Everybody involved should remember this agreement at next election how this agreement benefits the city and they should be doing things to be benefit the county . It's going to be a hard election year because of this . Remember you work for wicomico county not city of Salisbury. The county needs to take over all fire services for it's county and not just basically lease it out .

    August 31, 2017 at 7:51 AM

    Bob Culver screwed up by allowing Wayne Strausburg to rush this POS agreement through.

    Also you know for a fact that former fire chief Steve Brezler has been working behind the scenes on the study and the fire service agreement!

  30. Former fire chief Bill "Pinky" Higgins has been working overtime trying to keep the Station 1 volunteers from being successful.

    Pinky's nose is so far up Jake Day's ass it's got to be impossible for him to breath.

    Pinky has also been working hard sucking up to Jim Ireton and Jake Day to make sure Rick Hoppes got the appointment and confirmation for the fire chiefs position even though Ireton through Hoppes out of the running on 3 different occasions.

    Pinky knows that the Station 1 volunteers did not support him for the fire chiefs position when he was next in line in the 1990's. They wanted Tony Sterling for fire chief and Pinky hasn't fogotten that.

    Pinky is a SNAKE and Station 2 needs to get rid of him.

  31. Keep the volunteers happy Mr Culver. They are watching how you handle this so they know how you treat volunteers. What happens if they all decide to stop volunteering because of this mess. If you are in city limits you get city fire department services. If you are in the county you get county fire departments. The people in surrounding towns (Hebron, Fruitland, Pittsville, Willards) pay a town tax yet they don't have 24 hour paid fire crew, they have volunteer fire fighters. The only paid personnel is the paramedic and the towns share those. Stop paying the city of Salisbury! It is not fair to the rest of the people in the county that you are paying so they get round the clock fire service while the rest of us don't seem to matter.

  32. 1:57am

    Grow up and get a real life.

    1. Looks like 1:57 struck a nerve. We all know that Bryan loves him some Bryan.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Parsonsburg and Fruitland fire departments who will be affected have also said no to offering or receiving mutual aid from station 13.
    August 31, 2017 at 8:56 PM

    They will not be affected. Quit lying and making fabrications. Station 1 Vollies are the same Vollies as Station 13(which needs to be changed by the way) is only requesting their own territory that is rightfully theirs and they have always ran it.

    1. Although for the last 2 years they failed to get out the majority of the time. Go put in the FOIA request for the response times for station 1 and see exactly how much better off service delivery is without them.

  34. Part of this whole problem is that the same Joe Morris voted to change the name of the originally chartered Station 1 to that of Station 13. That was a dumb move and does nothing but add to the confusion. At the next meeting it should be voted on to give Station 1 back their original name. They have the original charter from 1986 that states they are Salisbury Fire Department, Station #1 and that is what they need to go back to.

    When "Headquarters Company" was changed it was changed to Station 16. With that said, the current station sitting on Beaglin Park Drive should now be called Station 13 and reassigned a station number just like Station 16 was.

    You can't be that stupid to make a Charted department called Station 1 change their station designation to Station 13 when in fact is should be the Beaglin Park station that should now be called Station 13.

    Do the right thing and give these volunteers their Station number back.

  35. Anonymous said...
    A change between a ratified agreement date and an effective date must still be ratified and state it is replacing the original agreement.
    Day and Culver need better advice around them. And if they allow it, it would serve them to heed it

    August 31, 2017 at 7:04 AM

    Well then they need to keep Steve Brezler out of the picture. Much of these problems come from his meddling.

  36. Anonymous said...
    President and Vice-President have never lived in the State of Maryland, much less Wicomico County. Both fools and could care less about the added burden on County tax payers. On the other hand I'm excited to see 13 up and running so that everyone who commented on this site can see their turnout rates on the 70 calls a year that they'll have. Which, by the way, will cost taxpayers $300,000 a year.

    August 31, 2017 at 7:48 AM

    It doesn't matter. They are members of a Bi-State fire department that has an agreement to run in 2 different states. Any member of that department that lives in the State of Delaware is eligible to take any classes at the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute free of charge.
    Any Member of the Delmar Fire Department that lives in the State of Delaware is eligible to take the Paramedic Program at Wor Wic Community College and is eligible to use Delmar Fire Department as their Wicomico Maryland affiliation.

    Any member of the Delmar Fire Department that lives in the State of Delaware is eligible to use the Delmar Fire Department as their Maryland affiliate to sit for any MIEMSS(Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services. Those certifications include Maryland Paramedic, Maryland CRT-EMT-I, Maryland EMT-B or Maryland First Responder. They are also eligible to sit for any Maryland MIEMSS re-certification programs.

    Any member of the Delmar Fire Department that lives in the State of Delaware is eligible to sit on any committees for the Wicomico County Firemens Association, just like the two mentioned in the Fire Chiefs Association.

    Any member of the Delmar Fire Department that lives in the State of Delaware is eligible to sit on any committees for the Maryland State Firemens Association.

    "fools and could care less about the added burden on County tax payers" if those fools could care less about the County tax payers then they wouldn't be wasting their time covering calls in the City of Salisbury that they can't handle on their own.

    And the point of your original comment was???

  37. Anonymous said...
    It's about time the chiefs association stands grounds against the county and the city . It's time the city stops running the county . It's time to cut all ties mr. Culver . Everybody involved should remember this agreement at next election how this agreement benefits the city and they should be doing things to be benefit the county . It's going to be a hard election year because of this . Remember you work for wicomico county not city of Salisbury. The county needs to take over all fire services for it's county and not just basically lease it out .

    August 31, 2017 at 7:51 AM

    EXACTLY!! All fire and EMS should be ran by Wicomico County, PERIOD! There should be a Wicomico County Fire and EMS Department, but these elected Yahoos don't have the balls to do what is right.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Get rid of the city

    August 31, 2017 at 7:52 AM

    I agree, it's been talked about numerous times, but the city refuses to do anything about it.

    All they have to do is dissolve the charter and turn over their few assets to the county. This can be done easily because half of the counties in this state do not have chartered cities. Every thing is ran by the county.

    1. You sir are WRONG! Baltimore County has no municipalities. Yes, that does make good sense to do away with all the duplicate services taxpayers foot the bill for.

    2. He's still closer to being right than the dummy he was addressing. Good job on your Wikipedia search.

  39. As an avid reader of SBYnews - is it only me - or is my observation tha tvirtually everything that Fire Chief Hoppes gets involved-in almost always ends in a severe controversy. Maybe Salisbury/Wicomico ought to revisit and possibly reverse their decision to invest in Chief Hoppes. As Star Trek Spock frequently says - that is a most logical course of action in light of the circumstances.

  40. The SFD is nothing but lies and deception, they treat career like princesses totally different rules , playing basketball, big cookouts in the gourmet kitchens on duty, horseshoe pits. Riding around on city fuel joyriding, stalking women at the college sleeping on duty. Wow What a joke, they pound their chests thinking they are fire gods. Most of them are little wet behind the ear punks who Couldn't get a job anywhere else. Station 16 volunteers, now that's a group, of what i don't know cause there isn't but a few firefighters in the group. Station 2 volunteers, still waiting for you to get out. There is only like 7 there who can even ride the engines, the rest belong in a convalescent home. Talk about coffee clubs. Lol. And it's a good place to sleep off a good drunk every night, so called live ins. And the so called leader of station 16 volunteers, a lawn nome who knows nothing about firefighting, or business . People in the area actually laugh at him thinking he's important behind his back. What a goober.

  41. The one part you all are missing is that no legislative article has ever given explicit rights to the Chiefs association to create a station or decide territory changes. It's not even been a precedented practice. The Chiefs association is only doing this so they can say "sorry boys we tried, we supported you". All territory changes in the past have been done between the two affected Chiefs. The last territory change I know of, now mind you've I've been retired for quite some time, didn't even come to vote to be approved by the Chiefs association just like those before it. So unfortunately where legislative direction is lacking, common law if you will takes over. It since the beginning of this counties fire service this would be the first time the Chiefs association would be gifted the authority to change territories.

    1. Actually bob culver has the paper work stating they have jurisdiction on the territories. Regardless the agreement is going to be ripped up .

  42. People it is your own fault. YOU vore these liberals in and believe the lies. Time and time again and you still don't get it. Yoy get what you vote for.

  43. Sounds like Day is busted dead to rights here.

  44. With City limits laid out like a paintball splatter, having separate fire services following city limits borders is ludicrous at the base level. For that reason alone, only one tax per citizen should be charged and boundary lines drawn in general radial distances from each fire house in the County, leaving oversight in the hands of the WCFCA and the County.

  45. Culver's only mistake in this thing is relying on Day to be a gentleman and keep his word. Handshakes are meaningless to gutter snipes. They talk out of both sides of their mouths without a conscience. Suggestion 1) wait until it's firmed up then sign and 2) record EVERYTHING! Day has lied too many times not to do either at this point.

    PS: Kick them out of the GOB. They're in breach of their lease in every way. Get 'em outta there!

  46. 7:25,

    FYI, there are two counties with no incorporated munis - Baltimore and Howard.

  47. After today's accident, does this letter really have the same weight it had yesterday? Probably not.


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