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Saturday, September 09, 2017

Escaping Florida


  1. Imagine getting back home after the storm.

  2. Looks just like the Baltimore Beltway at the Rt 70 interchange, at 3:30 on a Friday afternoon

  3. Very sad and scary.

  4. They may be evacuating to exactly where the storm finally makes landfall.
    Computer guidance and all our technology Has completely been wrong on guiding this storm.
    You can't fool mother nature.
    Next time. people won't leave, and I could not blame them.

    1. Since when do computers and technology "guide" the storm?

  5. 10 years ago today there was a BIG traffic jam around Houston thanks to Hurricane Rita - google that and this pic will pop up.

  6. Scott was all about preparing for Irma long before and he's been encouraging people to get out of the storm's path. Good governing. This and Texas are a great example of how all levels of government can work well together to minimize these types of catastrophes. Everyone should be happy as peaches that a Bush isn't the governor of either state or that the president isn't a criminal who capitalizes on disasters like this for personal gain. (Clinton Foundation) Everyone concerned has a much better chance of getting through this without additional unneeded headaches and heartache!

  7. What leaves eventually comes back. Almost 6 million south Floridians....holy cow!

  8. Seems to me that the Florida main roadways should be prepared with lights and signs like on the bay bridge that tell you which way travel is heading so that they could control the traffic coming in (like gas tankers) and free up the one side of the 3 way road I have been seeing empty all day long. Makes no sense.

  9. your Good Buddy From the BayouSeptember 10, 2017 at 2:36 PM

    See that road sign about mid way rt hand side. Well that ain't in Florida. Being a Louisiana transplant I recognized area. I used my search engine, just to be se sure.

    So who's lying, you or Bing? See I was leaving in all that traffic, running from Rita in 2005. Showed it to my buddies at Brew River last night. For first time I became aware "that Albero guy ain't noted for the truth". That puts me to wondering if any of your spiel attacking people holds water. Should I chalk that picture up to honest mistake or believe my drinking buddies who think you're a POS. I suspect I'll be busy spreading the word, about that lying prize who is owner of SBYNews. My buddies tell me you are a scared little rat who mainly stays in his hole writing trash. Sure'd be fun to meetcha' from all I heard last night


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