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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Epidemic of Anal Cancer Among Gays

It is not all rainbow flags, feathered boas, show tunes, and self-righteous political bullying. Homosexuality entails wallowing in disease not only in the moral, spiritual, and psychiatric, but also the medical sense. AIDS is one obvious example. Anal cancer is another:

Almost 620,000 gay and bisexual men in the United States were living with HIV in 2014, and 100,000 of these men were not even aware of their infection. These men are 100 times more likely to have anal cancer than HIV-negative men who exclusively have sex with women. …

Anal cancer is predominantly caused by chronic or persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV infection can lead to the development of anal precancer which, if remains undetected or not adequately treated, may lead to anal cancer.

Maybe we just need more awareness, right? Or maybe prevention would be better:

The objective of screening is to identify and treat these precancers to prevent occurrence of anal cancer. However, one of the reasons for the lack of screening guidelines is that anal precancer treatment has not yet been shown to prevent invasive cancer.



  1. Gee, I wonder why

  2. Live by the "sword", die by the "sword"

  3. "Nature" doesn't like it! This is "Nature's" way of saying "That's not right!".

  4. HPV is a nasty critter. Get your shots.

  5. That's a "lifestyle" I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It's immoral and sick, and our bodies rebel at it. If you're not into women, that's one thing, but please then be celibate.

  6. The usual homophobic comments here no shock


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