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Friday, September 01, 2017

Does Anyone Know Who These Thieves Are?


  1. It angers me when thugs think their "entitlement" includes my items, BUT we as the owners need to lock doors to prevent these thefts.

  2. I have a baby monitor sitting on my porch. I can hear everything that goes on in my driveway. Best $20 I have ever spent.

  3. Lock doors and lock and load.Little rock salt wouldn't hurt.
    Can't get a job cause they are out all night stealing. Dirt bags

  4. Hope they find them and post them here so someone can let them know how they ran like a bunch of little painsies when they heard something. If I caught them it would be too late one they heard what they'd hear go off.

  5. They ran because they knew they'd go to jail if caught.

  6. It's in DaBury dude. Where else would all this crime be happing. Well not in Jakes neighborhood

  7. Thugs can do steal/destroy/hurt, get caught - THEN released and I cannot have a conceal/carry.

    WOW - what is wrong with this picture?

  8. One day they may meet an untimely fate. A friend of mine used to keep his boa in the car at night. Can you imagine these thugs' surprise if they met Billy the 10' boa constrictor in a car? I'd pay big cash to see that video.

  9. My car has been broken into 3 times in Fruitland

  10. Bullets to asses will end this activity.

  11. 2:25...can you rent this snake for a night or two?

  12. Why aren't the doors locked?
    I lock mine even when I go home for lunch.

  13. Why aren't the doors locked?
    I lock mine even when I go home for lunch.

  14. Fingerprints. They had to leave lots of them.


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