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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

Hurricane Jose is expected to weaken to a tropical storm later this morning, but it could still bring rain during the morning commute and whip up strong winds during the day.

New York City was spared a direct hit by Jose, but the storm flooded areasfrom New Jersey to Long Island.

With more extreme weather events predicted for New York City and the surrounding area, flood insurance might be on your mind.

We spoke to Emily Rogan, the chief operating officer for United Policyholders, an advocacy group that helps disaster survivors navigate the insurance claim process, about the basics of buying a flood insurance policy.



  1. Flood insurance = sump pump

    1. What happens when a pump can't keep up GENIUS.?

    2. 812 has no clue 129

  2. If you have a mortgage, and live in a flood zone, you already have it. If not: no mortgage, not in a flood zone, or in a flood zone, you may want to get it. It's not that expensive, especially if you live in an area that normally doesn't flood. It might be more than you expect if you live in a flood zone, but is probably worth it.
    The flood maps are online : https://msc.fema.gov

  3. It's simple..flood insurance is regulated by the government. If you are in a flood zone, chances are your mortgage company made you acquire it when you accepted your loan and the premium is most likely paid via escrow. The escrow is typically funded by your monthly payment..a percentage of what you pay every month is often set aside for hazard, PMI and flood insurance among other things. Check your loan documents. If you do not have flood insurance and your home is damaged by a flood caused by a storm..like a hurricane.......take an axe and chop a hole in your roof..do it from the outside...when the adjuster shows up, you tell him all the water came in through the hole in the roof....boom...flood damage covered....just stick to your story no matter what....and get rid of the axe.

  4. You don't need flood insurance, until your house is flooded. Until then, it is just a waste of money. Over the life of a mortgage, that can be a HUGE waste of money. Flood insurance is a government bailout for mortgage companies, and that's why mortgage companies will require it on their customer's pocketbooks. Its to protect THEIR investment, not yours.

  5. Pay me now...or you'll be paying me later!

  6. And where do you pump the water when there'w
    no dry land to receive it???


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