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Monday, September 11, 2017

Deported “dreamer” will be allowed re-entry to sue Trump adminstration

The Department of Homeland Security will temporarily re-admit a “Dreamer” who was deported in February. Juan Manuel Montes, 23 says he was a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient, who was illegally deported. He’s mounted a lawsuit, and will be allowed to re-enter the U.S. the day before his deposition, and the day before his trial in the case.

Montes accused immigration officers of forcing him into Mexico in the middle of the night, illegally deporting him without giving him legal council.

The Department of Homeland Security and US Customs and Border Protection deny his accusation, and say he remains in Mexico because his DACA status was revoked.



  1. Since when does a temporary executive order become a law ?

  2. So, who is funding his suit?

  3. Illegals should not be allowed / given rights that US citizens have. They are criminals from another country.

  4. You got to be kidding me!! a non citizen suing our president because he was here illegally

  5. Anonymous said...
    So, who is funding his suit?

    September 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM


  6. Anonymous said...
    Illegals should not be allowed / given rights that US citizens have. They are criminals from another country.

    September 11, 2017 at 7:04 PM

    Illegals don't have rights in this country. WTH is going to let them back in this country and why??

  7. Anonymous said...
    You got to be kidding me!! a non citizen suing our president because he was here illegally

    September 11, 2017 at 7:33 PM

    This is one F'ed up country to allow this to happen.

  8. I understand what you say and agree with you 9:24. Unfortunately, I think I've heard them talking on the tube about the rights of illegals. This must be true because they qualify for benefits same as Americans that take advantage of taxpayers monies. Crazy....heck yes. Imagine how much more the worker that earns their keep would take home to support their own family would have, if we didn't take care of many worthless, lazy folks.

  9. 7:33pm & 9:26pm

    Agreed 100%!

  10. DEFERRED Action for Childhood Arrivals - keyword: DEFERRED! Obama's failed policy doesn't say NO Action for Childhood Arrivals - he can't do that because it would be massively illegal and unconstitutional. It was simply a way to allow people to stay here illegally without consequence, or at least immediate consequence. Actions to deport him were DEFERRED and now they the actions are being executed. He doesn't stand a chance in court and unfortunately for him he believed that Obama was going to make his woes go away.

    I think the courts should do this... Offer him LEGAL citizenship. If he accepts it then let him in, let him get a job, let him buy a house, let him pay taxes, let him be an example to other "Dreamers." If he declines then ship his ass back to Mexico because we shouldn't allow illegal immigrants to come here to milk our system and skip out on taxes. If all he really wants is to be an American citizen then let him do it the right way.

  11. I wonder if WMDT's weather girl Jaisel is a "dreamer" illegal alien.

  12. Liberals. What I'd wrong with you


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