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Friday, September 29, 2017

D.C. Circuit lets stand concealed-carry ruling, cheering gun-rights activists

Case could head to Supreme Court

A federal appeals court let stand Thursday a decision that it is unconstitutional to require firearms owners prove a “good reason” in order to carry legally a concealed handgun in the nation’s capital — a win for gun rights advocates that has the potential to send a significant Second Amendment case to the Supreme Court.

The D.C. government had petitioned for the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to rehear a lawsuit against the city’s gun laws, but the court declined to revisit the 2-1 decision handed down earlier this year, noting that none of the 10 judges who considered the matter requested a vote on it.

The decision leaves in place the D.C. Circuit’s prior ruling, which found that the city’s “good reason” requirement was unconstitutional.

It also sets up the potential for the Supreme Court to take up the case as the decision creates a split with four other federal circuits that have found discretionary permitting schemes elsewhere are legal.



  1. If Hogan won't help us, maybe SCOTUS will.

  2. Maryland and Hogan are you listening?

  3. Do our "leaders" also think we need a "good reason" to use our freedom of speech, or to attend a church?
    WHO do they think they are to tell OTHER (equal) men what rights they can use and what fees, restrictions, and rules (that THEY put in place) we must pay and accomplish BEFORE THEY SAY IT'S OKAY.
    Which of our current "leaders" (NOT "your guy" of course. That rootin' tootin' straight arrow never lies cheats or steals) wants to charge us for church attendance?
    "Shall not be infringed" is a phrase that is absolutely clear to everyone except wanna-be Nazi's, dictators, and other we-know-whats-best future hanging candidates.
    "We, the people" DO NOT NEED "permission" from any cop or politician to carry a gun anymore than we need them to tell us it's okay to walk down the street.
    I NEVER gave them that authority.
    But I do carry and if you think you got the authority to stop that, well, you are in that soon to be hung group.
    Or shot. Just as good.
    Keep cheering.

  4. I would love to see a gun rights group form in Maryland with thousands of people that would ride on Annapolis and let the Governor know we will fight for another Republican and support their campaign financially.

    It would be nice to have another type of Rolling Thunder on motorcycle and fill the streets of Annapolis.

  5. Impeach Hogan for not upholding the US bill of rights!
    (2nd. Amendment)

  6. 4:36pm...there is already such a group its called Maryland Shooters {MDS} also there s MSI Maryland Shall Issue, which are the ones that are fighting these legal battles and they need donations to fund these very important, long and intense battles to gain back our 2nd ad rights. Help us grow and unite.


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