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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

CLINTON CASHES OUT: Hillary says 'will never be candidate for office' again


  1. That's the same thing tricky Dick Nixon said, look where that got us.

  2. Well we all know how she lies.....

  3. Pitiful ole bitty has been such a failure in everything she has had anything to do with. If she was worth a crap she would concentrate on her family (grandchildren) and let qualified people like President Donald J. Trump handle our countries future. She is correct about one thing, it is at stake. That is why the good voters ran her nasty self away from the polls.

  4. Just in case she changes her mind....smack her with a couple convictions just to seal the deal!

  5. I was listening to NPR this morning - I know, WTF!?!? - it was by accident. So, after her new book release, everyone in the universe is telling us how she's not taking blame... except this morning on NPR... they told me that she had many reasons for her loss but they only told me 2 in which she took all the blame.
    What are they smoking???? Un-f***-ing believable! Our taxes help support NPR. Where are the conservative programs? Why don't we hear the other side?? ever!!

  6. Not a chance in Hell that this woman every gets elected to office of any kind. She has made a complete fool of herself and is probably one of the most dishonest persons in America! NO ONE LIKES HER!

  7. Ole hill not ever running for any office again is the best news I have ever heard.

  8. seein' is believin'.

  9. Good > We will Hold her to it !!!!

  10. NO More Clintons EVER PLease !!!!!! Enough

  11. Nobody wants her. Not her party, not the government. She'll never hold down another job, elected or not.

  12. Her Clinton Foundation STOLE enough....Don't worry for her
    she and Bill and Chelsea will be JUST FINE !!! Millionaires

    They Hardly need to work .......NOT !!!!

  13. I hope she runs for prisoner trustee very soon


  14. There go the jobs in the pantsuit industry!

  15. Yes , she already CASHED OUT along time ago with all the $$
    she got paid off by those Rich Arabs and Russians !!!!
    Yet no investigations into That !!!


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