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Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Cleveland police, rescue unions won't hold U.S. flag in NFL opener, citing Browns' protest

Unions that represent Cleveland police officers and first responders will not participate in one of the annual rites that precede NFL openers, with leaders saying they were offended when Browns players knelt during the national anthem before a preseason game.

The head of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association says that they have decided not to hold part of the gigantic American flag as part of the pregame ceremony at the Browns' Sept. 10 opener against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Typically, players, first responders, politicians and military members join in, too.

"When management allows you to do those things, then that's on them," Steve Loomis, the police union's president, told Cleveland.com. "It's hypocritical of the Browns management and ownership to want to have an armed forces first-responder day, and have us involved in it when they allow their players to take a knee during the national anthem. That's the very representation of what we stand for. That's why we aren't going to."'



  1. The Cleveland Browns are so horrible at football they are just taking a knee and quitting before the season starts.

  2. There Will be more people holding the flag than browns fans at the game.

  3. This is really getting out of hand NFL. The shield (NFL/Goodell) needs to do something - PRONTO!

  4. While they're on their knees, just swing right into a prayer and see what they do.

  5. First Responders and rescuers means fire and EMS. Sounds like the Salisbury Fire Department.

  6. Protesting the protestors. Got to love it!

  7. I think the NFL ought to prohibit the teams from coming onto the field until after the National Anthem has been played. Those who want to demonstrate their disrespect for this country can do it in the privacy of their own locker room. And just think about the amounts of money these clowns make!!!

  8. Poor babies. "we don't like it when people practice the first amendment rights that law enforcement and the armed forces are sworn to protect".

    Can we just get back to playing the game already?

  9. Franco Harris released a statement covered by fox news that all current NFL players ought to review...in not so many words he indicated that fellow players would attend to this nonsense in their own way....

    ...I'm pretty sure Joe green and Jack Lambert would have squared things away, not to mention the likes of Butkis


  10. The majority of the NFL fan base across the country is completely disgusted with these overpaid, underschooled (for free in most cases) players. NFL rookie minimum of $465,000 is more than President of US' $400,000.

    Colon K (intentional) is the most celebrated/notorious of these deep thinkers. Real question is how happy will fans be to have other 'kneelers' signed to their team once these characters have worn out their welcome where they currently hang a helmet.

    My view is they can pick any other country to peddle their skills if they are so displeased here. Old or less skilled hoopers play overseas; maybe a bit of international travel would supplement the education these guys didn't bother getting for free at State U.


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