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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Cher offers "Dreamers" a place to take refuge

Cher says she's ready to provide "sanctuary" after the Trump administration announced the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that protects roughly 800,000 young immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. The singer tweeted that she will protect young "Dreamers" and let them stay at her home.

She wrote that people who can should take "Dreamers" into their homes and "protect them." She added that she was ready to do so herself.

Cher, who has been a vocal critic of President Trump, is known for being very outspoken about politics: she has even called into C-SPAN several times in the past.



  1. Same as all the celebs vowing to move to Canada, she is full of it. I would put money on it.

  2. Let me guess one of her maids illegal kids ?

  3. Cher....take them all to Canada with you, Whoppi and Beyhar....live happily ever after!!!!

  4. Harboring fugitive illegal aliens is dangerous business. It may get you on a list.

  5. I'll believe it when I see it(not staged). And I hope she has a house full of illegal "dreamers". Good luck with that!!!

  6. It should be illegal for entertainers to participate in politics unless they are running for political office.

  7. I thought she moved out of country when President Trump won? However instead she bought a 85 million dollar house in Beverley Hills. She could actually end the homeless problem in LA with her Money but instead not so much.

  8. Great idea, Cher. " I Got You Babe"

  9. Where she going to Hide them ....in that Wig ????

  10. A 70 something boney Maroney offering refuge....HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA

  11. She ain't no saint herself ....look at her history !!!

  12. 6:33 no doubt your spot on,her limousine liberal neighbors would never allow that!

  13. Actually if 800,000 liberals sponsored a Dreamer and signed up to be his or her safety net so NO welfare benefits were needed and NO cost was put on the US taxpayer for them to stay and become citizens that would be a huge step.
    I don't see it happening though. Liberals tend to be about what serves their own interests or demands very little.

  14. Her Plastic Face is worn out !!!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. If we could turn back time.


  17. Publish your address, I'll be right over with all
    my family.

  18. The home in which she couldn't protect her own daughter! The home where her 11 yo daughter was raped and sexual abused by Cher's lesbian friend? Wow -- great place for children.

  19. Lies lies and more lies. lets see in the next 6 months the thousands of people living with you. Oh amd that doesn't include your house keeping staff.

  20. Where is that Slut going to put 800,000 illegal aliens? ICE should arrest that pig.

    Keep in mind that this Misfit dreg of society raised a pretty little girl to become a fat slob, wannabe man.

    She reeks of mental illness and mental illness is a symptom of Liberalism.

  21. Does she think we care what her opinion is or has been. I didn't care for her when she first arrived on the scene years ago with her whipped fellow Sonny, may he R.I.P

  22. Just like she was going to leave the country if Trump got elected. She should just invite all the dreamers over and leave together.

  23. LOL....you just can't make this sh_t up! She's not taking anybody in. It's all BS. Now let's hold her to her word.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Actually if 800,000 liberals sponsored a Dreamer and signed up to be his or her safety net so NO welfare benefits were needed and NO cost was put on the US taxpayer for them to stay and become citizens that would be a huge step.
    I don't see it happening though. Liberals tend to be about what serves their own interests or demands very little.

    September 6, 2017 at 8:52 PM

    Another freaking soft hearted liberal. I say send them back to their damn countries of origin!

  25. Anonymous said...
    Where is that Slut going to put 800,000 illegal aliens? ICE should arrest that pig.

    Keep in mind that this Misfit dreg of society raised a pretty little girl to become a fat slob, wannabe man.

    She reeks of mental illness and mental illness is a symptom of Liberalism.

    September 7, 2017 at 6:06 AM

    You are correct. How can we forget that!

  26. I remember when she was on David Letterman's show and he asked her why she had previously refused to be a guest on his show. She proudly stated "Because you're an asshole."


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