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Friday, September 08, 2017

Can't Argue That!


  1. He will be one of the few who, on their deathbed say, " I should have worked more"

  2. Scary. We need to be praying for this man to repent.

  3. We need to be praying for this man to repent? Yeah, so he can go to church and I can take his place.

  4. Sometimes people surround themselves with people because they are lonely. I have heard several of the women who were close to him talk about how sweet he was to them and he gave them so much. The man probably felt that he had to give them things to have them with him. Truth be told....look at him....no woman would have been attracted to him if it were not for his fame and money. Hopefully he has someone who truly loves him.

  5. Lucky Lucky Lucky Hugh !! He's The Man !! Always Has Always Will !!!

  6. And they would all love him just as much if he was dirt poor and mansionless.


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