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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Can Salisbury Actually Provide Services For Mayor Day's Festival?

Did you know the local Hotels charge $165.00 a night in the Salisbury area when a big event comes to town?

If what Jake Day says is true and tens of thousands of people come here for their festival, there won't be enough lodging, period. Since it will be held on June 5th, 2018, Ocean City hotels and motels will be completely booked. 

I find it amazing that even the simplest challenges haven't been well thought out, unless their expected numbers are much smaller then they have proposed. 

They are claiming this event will bring in "tens of millions of dollars". They go on to quote, The event, which is presented free of charge, is expected to attract 150,000 people and generate $15 million to $30 million in the local economy, city officials said. 

I'm sorry Folks but there's no way they can deliver the proper services. Heck, the Waste Water Treatment Plant can't even handle what Salisbury already has. Add an alleged 150,000 more people in a short period of time and Salisbury is going to have problems.

What's your thoughts?


  1. 150,000 potential more crime victims

  2. Let's see, 150,000 people, 100,000 of them smoking on the river walk x $500 fine each = $5,000,000! FIVE MILLION DOLLARS! This city will be RICH!!!

    1. Yeah, then they get the knock on the door from the plumbing inspector.

  3. Another liberal promise , appeal to the young with parties , booze and favors.
    A typical lie from the democrats , so use to lies they think it's OK.

  4. This will be good for the businesses , prostitution , drugs ,robbery and several rapes. You rock Day , NOT.

  5. Why can't this idiot pay attention to fixing our problems , the hell with this type of stuff , deal with the issues like crime .

  6. The National’s three-year stay in each host city is intended to lay the groundwork for a sustainable, locally produced festival that continues after it moves on. Including Greensboro—where the Festival will be in residence from 2015 through 2017—the National Folk Festival has been presented in 28 cities. Musicians and craftspeople from every state and most U.S. territories have participated in this “moveable feast of deeply traditional folk arts.” Presented to audiences free of charge over three days, National Folk Festivals have drawn audiences of 100,000 to 175,000 annually since 1987.

    Whether Salisbury can rise to the challenge remains to be seen, as it's a big piece to chew, Salisbury being the smallest venue ever to host the event. It's coming, so prepare the best we can and hope for a favorable outcome.

    1. We will be the ones who break it.

  7. Jake Day is floating on very thin ice.

  8. If every hotel in town and Princess Anne could house 1,000 people, it would barely hold a fourth or fifth of that crowd. So the answer is an emphatic NO!

  9. I can't believe anyone from the festival has actually come here to see what's in store for them. One ride around town ought to convince anyone not to bring anything here, except maybe the National Guard.

  10. His campaign platform was to bring things to Salisbury and grow the city. This is a thing. Let's see if Salisbury is big enough (in all ways) to handle it. A challenge is good for people and the city - it tests resolve and creativity.

    The committee that decides where the festival will go next obviously has a bunch of requirements for any city to house the event. It looks like, at least on paper, the requirements were met.
    It is what it is. Short of a court injunction (yeah, good luck with that) there's nothing that's going to stop it, including whining.

    1. Let's address this in order. The only 'thing' that we need in Salisbury are jobs. Those jobs are being chased out by ridiculous taxes to pay for feel good crap like all these events and projects. The next challenge the city wants to undertake, they should CHALLENGE Gillis/Gilkerson to pony up the funds to show how proud they are of the city that has treated them so well. Jake Day thinks it's easy to take on a challenge when he is spending other peoples money.
      The committee that decides probably got lazy and took us at our word. Anyone local knows from the crime numbers, rigged contracts and patsy news organizations here our word is TOTAL BS!
      Fyre Festival in the making, have fun paying for it.

  11. Crimefest in the making.

  12. 8:27am.......Salisbury isnt a folk art town anymore. This venue does well in towns that contain that heritage. Theres not enough room or services {perhaps at winter place, but youve burnt that bridge}. Youve been wasting resources and ignoring the concerns of the people in this area, lying and hiding crime and now a slap to the face with all your unnecessary regulations and government positions, fines and restrictions, ignoring the loss of jobs and taxing the remaining into poverty....you really think people are going to support your wishes and dreams? Your lipstick on this pig?!?! It'll be a flop, in the red like everything you touch, you'll destroy the track record of this festival and be on record as the worst and with the rest of the flops of this juvenile mayor and his band of yuppies that are giving everyone in this area a bad name and shame.

  13. its all about the promise and not the follow through. Remember how excited we were when HQ Live opened? It was going to be thing that puts Salisbury on the map.....and it fizzled. All promise and no follow through. The same with this festival- all promise and there will be no follow through.

  14. 8:58, Is that you, Julia Glantz?

  15. Where are all these people going to park?

  16. I'm 8:58, but not Glantz or any other city employee. I moved here about fifteen years ago following a job, then retired and stayed. Sometimes I'm happy that I stayed, sometimes not. My comment was meant to be objective, not biased toward or against.
    I'd like to see some comments about what people think the outcome will be of the festival over the three year period, as in specifics about growth, crime, entertainment value, profits and taxable revenue, risk vs. reward, etc.

    One more thought. At the start of and throughout the festival, the students at SU and UMES will mostly be gone, leaving thousands of on and off campus housing units empty for the summer, just waiting for somebody to fill them for a price. There will also probably be the opportunity for city residents to take in a renter, just like they do for the Seagull Century bike race.

    1. 942AM the college kids will be here during the folk festival so no, there won't be college housing. Why should the college help foot the bill for this novice foolishness? Those student pay top$ for their places and should have access to ALL the college's facilities at all times while attending. They PAID FOR IT!

  17. 9:06 AM the festival would never admit the failure and I don't blame them.

  18. We'll see. How can it be worse than it is already?

  19. The fool never even thought about the traffic issues that will still be ongoing because of the bridge repair project that will still not be completed yet. The bridge/spillway right downtown will be in full display. This guy is like a spoiled little brat....an embarrassing one at that!

  20. Folk Festival, WWTP, Headquarters Live, the (future) roundabout, the rapes, the unlawful entering of homes, etc...all things the Boy Mayor has managed to "accomplish" thus far. Keep up the good work!

  21. Glantz like boy mayor Day couldn't manage their way out of a wet paper bag. Lets face it Boy Toy Day is riding Daddy's coat tail. Looks like it is about to rip.

  22. 9:42 AM They have difficulty handling an intelligent opposing view.

  23. 10:22 AM yea but no smoking, we be the next tourist destination cuz we be liken to OC. Woop de doo.

  24. Jakey's trolls must be back from Greensboro?

  25. He is more interested in scoring great real-estate deals for his deverco venture!

  26. There are not any hotels in smallsbury worth anywhere near that price. They are lucky to get 50 bucks for a 30 dollar room.

  27. 1037 - amen to that! 942 came back in their time machine a few years too early. Maybe by 2027 out of the box ideas, maximizing logistics, infrastructure will be common place and cost effective for everyone!

    Until then, prayer will suffice!

  28. Everyone knows there are not enough hotels in Salisbury to accommodate that many people. Many will be staying on Ocean City. So since they are staying in OC they will be driving to Salisbury for the festival. Where in the heck are all those people going to park? Even if you stay in Salisbury there is only 1 hotel within walking distance of downtown. Where do you park 150k people? EVEN if you shuttle them in from the stadium even they can't park that many people. Where are they going to get buses? Who pays for those buses to shuttle the people?

  29. This is yet another example of the elite people versus the street people. Just like back in the days of Barrie, Mike Dunn and the "dream team". A small cabal of rich liberals decides what we want. Not- the folks demand a folk festival, but we rich liberal NPR listeners have decided that a folk festival will be a good idea..........

    1. Known mike Dunn his whole life nothing elite about this guy. He merely learned the art of rubbing elbows with the more successful people in the area and kissing ass

  30. For the year 2016, what was the total attendance record of all the 3rd Friday's? Did they amount to 150,000 people?


  31. It's gonna be great. Jake just hired a former cue card holder from a TV show to manage this trainwreck. The Folk song bunch did not do much of a due diligence inspection before giving Jake their event.

    Buy popcorn; gonna be entertaining, and I don't mean the performers!

  32. Thug nation will go crazy robbing, stealing everything they can get their hands on


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