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Thursday, September 21, 2017

California Attorney General Sues to Prevent Building of Trump’s Border-Wall Projects

Becerra: Trump administration is violating the Constitution in order to build the wall

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced a lawsuit on behalf of the state that would attempt to block any projects related to President Donald Trump's promised border wall between the U.S. and Mexico by deeming them unconstitutional.

The lawsuit, which is being filed in federal court, argues that the Trump administration has violated federal and state environmental laws, which it recently waived under an immigration provision in a 2005 law giving the Homeland Security secretary the power to do so.

Becerra argues that that law allowing the waiver violated the U.S. Constitutions' separation-of-powers doctrine to short-cut requirements under the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act for environmental analysis of the impact of the border-wall prototypes.



  1. cut federal funding to Mexifornia

  2. Does the Department of Defense conduct environmental analysis before engaging an enemy.


  3. california? are they still here?

  4. I say build the wall around California so it is part of Mexico.

  5. "California Attorney General Sues to Prevent Building of Trump’s Border-Wall Projects"

    As spoke through his translator


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