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Thursday, September 14, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: This Month's H2Oi Cancelled, Will Return Next Year


  1. OC - better have law enforcement in place anyway because if its chaos again this year...heads will roll come election time!

  2. It's not cancelled. It's unsanctioned. The town and county wouldn't sign off on anything. They'll still show up in droves and cause all of the typical problems.

  3. HAHA City FAIL being ready with LEOs? HAHAHAHA

    They NEVER are ready before or after season. Although money is spent on light shows, bad fireworks displays (INCLUDING 4th of July), fighting with Dumsers on the boards, painting trash cans, median walls, ticket trailors during cruiser week, etc etc etc. Paying for extra protections incase of crazies on the road or (heaven forbid) a downtown power outage like back in May.....come on.

    Bikes this weekend, Sunfest the following weekend, winefest, H2Oi (unofficial), small cruizers in Oct - there will be NO additional LEOs.

    RAIN will be the only hope!

    1. If you live in Ocean City and are so pissed off, run for a seat on the council. Bless the rest of us with your wisdom and knowledge. It's easy to get elected, just look at the parade of clowns who have held the seat over the last 20 years. Or just keep beating your trademarked "city fail™" catch phrase into the ground and hide behind your keyboard. I'm almost certain you will choose the latter.

  4. Awesome!!! I meant awe sorry to hear that.

  5. wow 7:13 do you forget to take your meds? you must lead one miserable life! hope you feel better soon!

  6. Meds 805?

    The city takes all my extra money (taxes) for any meds and spends it on things that do not bring any return on investment!! That was the point. If you don't realize our city takes a dump on all of us each/every year - maybe you need the meds!!

    But Happy TGIF to ya!

  7. I hope they don't ever come back

  8. H20I = broke people driving broken imports


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