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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Black Lady Rips Apart Democrat Maxine Waters Outside Of Her Office

Chanell Temple: “This is Chanell, and I’m outside in front of Maxine Waters’ office. I went inside trying to make connections, trying to get an appointment, and as usual, no connection. No one was available and this is what happens in California. We go to her office, we try to make connections, we call her office. They don’t have time for us, but she has time to represent illegal criminals. This is a 24-7 job for her. Here I am at her Washington office, it’s the same thing here. No one is available.

This woman is being paid with taxpayers’ money and she’s not representing American citizens. The black community has been destroyed by racist illegal immigration with her help. And it’s got to stop. Not only the black community, it has spilled over to white America, brown America, American citizens period are not being represented by this lady, and here she is laid up in the lap of luxury in Washington, the lap of luxury in California – with her $4.3 million house in Hancock Park. No representation for American citizens. No representation for the taxpayers who pay her salary.



  1. She's no different than most politicians, they only look out for their own interest.

  2. Good luck with this , mad Max will conquer .

  3. Black lady speaks her opinion against Waters, is no more news than a white woman speaking her opinion against Waters. Difference - we never hear white woman's opinion but black woman opinion will be presented as"Rip apart rage"

  4. Now, that is what I call "WOKE"

  5. she continues to get elected

  6. Quit voting for her California, then you won't have her as a problem any more.

  7. Waters and Pelosi who the hell do they get elected - ESPECIALLY in today's society?


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