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Monday, September 25, 2017

Being single could help you live longer

Stop worrying about being single – it could actually help you live longer.

You’ve probably lost track of the number of times someone has asked “so when are you going to settle down?” or “I can’t understand why a lovely girl like you is still single.”

There seems to be no end to the fairly personal reminders that you aren’t in a relationship.

But then, why should you be if you are happy doing your own thing?

And it turns out there are several health benefits to being single so if you are enjoying it, embrace it.

The 2011 census data showed that 51 percent of adults in England and Wales were single.

It was a three percent rise from the 47 percent who were single in 2001.



  1. I believe it! Now, if only I could get to that status!

  2. That's encouraging, all the money and heart ache placed on ALL of my divorces will pay off.

  3. More SEX will keep you in shape !!! Live Longer !!!
    Stay Single and Your Pockets will Jingle & U can Mingle !!!

  4. Stay Married and you will be Carried (to your grave ) LOL !

  5. Damn , Time to go to England and Wales .....LOL !!

  6. After MY wife left, my blood pressure dropped back to a normal range, and my blood sugar became more manageable. I didn't realize she was driving me to an early grave, until she was gone. Needless to say, I'm glad she's gone. Don't miss her.

  7. Being single is way better than living with a woman that doesn't love you.

  8. It's certainly cheaper.


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