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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Awan Funneling ‘Massive’ Data Off Congressional Server, Dems Claim It’s Child’s HOMEWORK

Democratic congressional aides made unauthorized access to a House server 5,400 times and funneled “massive” amounts of data off of it. But there’s nothing to see here, Democrats told The Washington Post: They were just storing and then re-downloading homework assignments for Imran Awan’s elementary-school aged kids and family pictures.

A congressional source with direct knowledge of the incident contradicted the Post’s account, saying that now-indicted IT aide Imran Awan and his associates “were moving terabytes off-site so they could quote ‘work on the files'” and that they desperately tried to hide what was on the server when caught, providing police with what law enforcement immediately recognized as falsified evidence and an indication of criminal intent.

The Post described the amount of data improperly flowing out of the congressional network as “massive.” One congressional source told Circa it was “terabits.”



  1. "My server ate my homework, teach!"

    Yeah, that will work!

  2. Homework yes. No! Made Stories . How can Congress think ? Brain mLfunction!


  3. Well that certainly explains how motivated Asian students outperform white, black and hispanic students.

    Tera bytes of homework appears to be the Easy button all parents seek. Now if we can all get jobs massaging Democrat computers our kids will be headed for the Ivy League and success!

  4. Just like deleted emails were about yoga all 30k of them.

  5. What the heck was their homework? Copy the Encyclopedia Britannica?
    Even with pictures, that's a lot of data for homework.
    The liberal democrats, as always, think that if they SAY it, then it must be true and YOU are really stupid for thinking it happened any other way.
    The "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" strategy.
    "Homework" is perfectly reasonable and believable to them.
    They also still don't get why Trump and America keeps rejecting that BS and cover-up trash.
    The sky ain't green.
    Keep cheering.


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