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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Audit: Maryland social services agency misspent nearly $5 million

Legislative auditors say Maryland’s Department of Human Services mishandled state contracts and unnecessarily spent nearly $5 million — sometimes without getting anything in return.

An audit released Monday found the agency’s handling of a huge IT project “resulted in DHS paying approximately $4 million more than necessary for one project that was ultimately cancelled.”

The same review found the agency overpaid two law firms by $616,000 because of contracts that promised a minimum amount of compensation. The six other law firms that were also providing lawyers to neglected children were paid less per case.



  1. Hogan how many are you holding for this gross negligence or are you allowing these people to keep their jobs or resign with no penalty? Someone has to be held responsible for these violations of MD law , procedures, SOP and more. There has to be restitution and jail time. If there is no punishment then how can you punish Correctional Officers for lesser crimes? When will ther be equal justice?

  2. I believe it. Working people struggling have been denied or cut off,ederly retired people insulted w/ $15_20, while illegals and lazy non working or barely working frauds are raking in the monthly get fat diet. The system is soo backwards. Doesnt help those who are trying or helping themselves, it helps those who prey on it.


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