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Tuesday, September 12, 2017


And once again your local Mainstream Media remains completely silent.


  1. Local Mainstream Media probably don't know what is happening until they go to Salisbury News.

  2. When will Salisbury's taxpayer's demand accountability from city leaders?

  3. In my opinion, while Salisbury is much smaller than the likes of Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, etc. the town suffers from the same dilemma; poor management (Democrats who think they know a thing or two about running an organization), poor inner city constituency, entitlement mentality, loss of business interests, and CRIME! In order to keep a low profile, the town ignores the statistics but the facts will never go away. Again, IMO, there will never be a Republican mayor as there are too many who need the bennies.

  4. Most rapes are not commited by strangers. Why should the media report every single rape? Just curious how the government should stop rape. It has been happening throughout time and everywhere.

  5. My granddaughter walks from SU every day , if something happens to her , may God have mercy on whoever does it and may God have mercy on Jake Day and the chief of police Duncan.

  6. 8:49, Hey Folks, now can you clearly see this is one of Jake's six CYA staff members? I thought I'd let that one through so you can see what they send in all the time.

    There is no excuse for RAPE! There is no excuse for Jake Day and the rest of the media covering up the fact that rape is completely out of control. There is no excuse for your Mayor yo encourage the media stay quiet while innocent women get attacked by the worst experience of their lives.

    We already know a TON of horrific crimes are covered up. Yet your Mayor and Police Chief continue to say crime is down in Salisbury.

    Once again we continue to deliver evidence from their own Website and yet we are considered the Anti Christ of the Shore because we tell/expose the TRUTH.

    Women should be outraged at WBOC, WMDT and the DT's over their silence. For me personally, I'd never buy a product from their advertisers and I'm being very serious. Especially when they say, IF the President said or did this or that he'd be charged criminally. They make up news. They plant it in your head that our President is a criminal, yet he never did the things they suggested. Once you've heard it over and over again from channel to channel, people start believing their crap.

    What we've delivered is documented facts. Have you heard anywhere outside of SBYNews facts of the Firefighter who was run over by the Fire Truck? Heck, they won't even say he was run over and or dragged. They just call it an accident with no details.

    Crime is out of control, period. Reporting is a joke, period.

  7. Bye Bye Jake. Your soon a "has been"......

  8. Salisbury covers up for the University.

  9. hey 8:49

    if your beloved government wouldn't arrest people for carrying firearms, there would be a lot less rape.

  10. The left wing misfits in our society want to keep women from arming themselves to prevent rape.


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