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Monday, September 25, 2017

Allowances Available to Members of US Congress

Supplements to Salaries and Benefits

If they choose to accept them, all members of the United States Congress are given various allowances intended to cover personal expenses related carrying out their duties.

The allowances are provided in addition to the members’ salaries, benefits and allowed outside income. The salary for most Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico is $174,000. The Speaker of the House receives a salary of $223,500.

The president pro tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate receive $193,400.

The salaries of members of Congress have not changed since 2009.

Article I, Section 6, of the U.S. Constitution authorizes compensation for Members of Congress “ascertained by law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.” Adjustments are governed by the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 and the 27th Amendment to the Constitution.



  1. Wait and see if NFL teams lose money congress will subsidize them.

  2. Democrats love incidents like the current NFL issue. This protest is just a way for the Democratic party to divert the attention away from real issues like the B on B murder rates in Chicago, Baltimore, DC and other Democratic Plantations where the sheep are easily distracted.
    Lord help the Democrats if the sheep want real problems addressed such as black high school seniors functioning at forth grade levels on reading, writing and math.


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