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Monday, September 11, 2017

Al Sharpton's daughter arrested after cops say she attacked cab driver

No justice, no peace — of birthday cake.

A birthday celebration for Rev. Al Sharpton’s daughter ended in handcuffs early Saturday after she punched a cabbie in Midtown and snatched his keys, police sources said.

Ashley Sharpton was in a yellow taxi just before 1 a.m. with three of her friends near the intersection of W. 48th St. and Ninth Ave. Each of the passengers gave the driver a different destination. The cabbie Georges Coly — annoyed and confused — stopped the car and refused to move until Sharpton’s group could figure out where they wanted to go.

That’s when Sharpton, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, grabbed the keys from the ignition, according to cops. She jumped out of the car and threw the keys — which the driver didn’t see.



  1. Why isn't he arrested for not paying taxes. If I treated a cab driver like that I would definitely be in jail because I am a white female with no ties to people in power. Why do democrats lie. He said one thing and when addressing his people he uses race card.

  2. Like father like daughter. A complete "no class" act.

  3. Looks like she attacked a doughnut truck!

  4. Arrest the whole family of lawbreakers, just like that crime family the Clinton's.

  5. Yep garbage thugs breeding out more thugs. That's exactly what it amount to.

  6. They're not pretty, but they sure are fat!

  7. Trump why isn't he in IRS Prison.

  8. They look like there father in the 80s.

  9. Is his daughter the woman that looks like she has a 5 o'clock shadow?

  10. I was going to say that I hoped the cabbie knocked her teeth out, but then I remembered that she doesn't have any.

  11. Looks like she ate a few too many twinkies.

  12. Al Sharpton has passed along his DNA to his children. He is a liar, dishonest, racist, and a non-productive member of society. He is a con-man and I can't believe anyone listens or takes this guy serious. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.


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