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Monday, September 11, 2017

After Hurricane Irma in Miami. It's very scary!!


  1. looters need to be shot

  2. Miami with that water looked like NYC in the movie "Day After Tommorrow".

    Wow the water up to the windows...Oh my!

  3. Listening to the Naples Mayor on tv and he sounds as clueless as Day, while the CBS newscasters keep propping him up with their pumped up narrative. Must be a slow news cycle.

    1. No the difference is the Naples mayor..my mayor knows what he is doing...as one of the wealthiest towns in the country,Naples will bounce back quickly. We don't point fingers..we just get it done...already power crews working 24-7...gas is already available and our public food stores open tomorrow....had tree people at my home tonight already cleaning up....we have real destruction...like I've never seen in my life...but we will bounce back....can't say the same for the shore.....still sinking....

  4. its the wrath of the lord!

  5. Read a little further back in bible to Genesis 9:11 ( coincidence?) And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. Then just continue reading through to verse 16.

  6. where's that guy who said the hurricane was all hype?


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