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Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Viewer Writes: State Police Helicopter

Any idea why there was a Md State Police helicopter in Willow Creek yesterday around 3:45 PM. It was actually sitting over a small tree about 40 feet in the air with rotors spinning pointed toward Sunbury Court for a good 10 minutes. Then hovered in the sky over the backyards of people on Sunbury for another 15 minutes, but much higher in the sky. 


  1. FYI, that's not the MSP helicopter. It looks like one of the ones used to work on the power lines. Not sure, but there are power lines near there.

  2. No lines are underground

  3. It looked like they were spraying something, They were in white cove before that

  4. I have NEVER heard of or seen power lines accessible by roads being worked on from helicopters, but I'm only just over 60 YOA and have only lived on this one planet for that time.

    9:12, what planet are you from?

    1. I have seen them in Dorchester County frequently.

    2. Try youtubing it, tons of videos about it.

  5. That was a haverfield helo and yes if it is transmission lines they will work them from a helo regardless of road way access. Depends on the issues at hand with the lines.

  6. Hello, just your friendly NSA spook here. We were conducting surveillance on rouge MSP officers. Remember, knowing is half the battle.

  7. Sorry 952, but they've been checking transmission lines like this for awhile. We watched them fly the lines on US 13 south of Princess Anne a couple of years ago.

  8. 9:52. Maybe you've lived only on this planet for your 60 years but just because YOU haven't seen something doesn't mean it isn't done. I never saw a helicopter working on power lines either but was curious enough to look it up. Lots of references out there about this. From Wikipedia " A lineman wearing a Faraday suit can work on live, high-power lines by being transported to the lines in a helicopter. Wearing the suit, they can crawl down the wires.[12]". So you see? We can all learn something new every day.

    1. That's what happens when you spend the first 40 years living in your parents basement.

  9. Who set off the LONG TERM fireworks last night around Delmar? Why??

  10. Yeah, definitely not a MSP helicopter. It's not even the same type. I have a suspicion that the person who sent this in probably already knew that.

    Also, they used a helicopter to check the power lines along the dirt portion of Goddard Pkwy a few years ago. It was less than 60 years ago.

  11. 11:12, I could understand that on the side of the Rocky Mountains somewhere, but not in a municipal subdivision! I'd believe the NSA commenter before 9:12/ 10:47!


  12. Im sure the fireworks were for the motorcycle at the ballpark.

  13. Whoever flying it should be fired and jailed. The person filming should be subpoenaed to court and testify... Drone helicopters are a major problem this toy is to big should be flown in a field somewhere. Parents should no better

  14. Multiple UFO reports in that area.

  15. That's a Sikorsky sky crane that is helping to install the top sections of the new metal 2 section poles for the major power line upgrade currently under construction here on the shore. There are many low lying areas that land based cranes can't access to install the top sections of the poles.

    Mystery solved.

  16. They were taking pictures of the houses. In a few weeks, some shady guy will come to your door and try to sell you a framed picture of your house. Last time they did this through Willow Creek was either 2001 or 2002. I know since I purchased the picture without the frame. I know, I know but my house was brand new then and the picture was cool. Pre drone photography.


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