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Monday, September 18, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Emmy awards a joke

Why don't those Emmy Awards ceremony attendees volunteer their precious time to helping Irma victims instead of spending enormous amounts on formal clothes etc and complaining and joking about our President.

I guess the answer is the same as for Hillary - lost touch with the rest of America. Sad


  1. The viewership is dead they have rely on the media to tell people these misfits said.

  2. Lost touch - Yes, but also they are self-absorbed. They have been told all their lives that they are so special, so talented, so much better than anyone else. What would you expect. No time for anyone else

  3. And she lost the election...'What Happened??? DUH!'

  4. Yea! We should cancel the Country Music Awards too! They should all go help out with disaster relief.. surely by November there will still be work to do!

    All that wasted money and political commentary should be focused on helping people... not turning profits....

    Self absorbed celebrities think they are so special and talented. Why don't they just focus on music and stop with all the political stuff....

    I should be able to decide what people do with their time, talent, and resources!

  5. Colbert needs to be sent to the South Korean FRONT.

  6. Why doesn't the viewer who wasted their time writing and submitting their complaint go and volunteer? Works both ways.

  7. The Emmy's were on?

  8. What was the Nielsen of the Emmy's? Can't imagine it was all that high at all!

  9. Last year was bad enough but to put down the President of this country in that way is DEPLORABLE it showed just what shallow people they are. And still praising Hillary the murderer and traitor who sent our countries secrets out in ciber space and they see nothing wrong with that.

  10. Havent watched any of these award shows in the last 15 years, nothing but a bunch of self centered idiots!


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