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Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 9-8-17

"Salisbury Police Officer"

September 1 at 11:33pm ·
Many think I've lost my mind... Who "attacks" firefighters?? Please understand there is no attack. There is however, an information campaign going on that many resent. I have nothing against firefighters, and frankly, I admire their work very much. The volunteers in particular are people and citizens of the highest caliber. 

My information campaign has been strictly in a public service and tax payer vein. Fire departments across the country have used September 11, 2001 to strong arm communities into overpaying for unnecessary equipment and services. I know this is an unpopular sentiment and one that many powerful people don't want you to hear; but, it is the TRUTH.

I recall going through the police academy and being warned that the career would be life-changing in the worst ways - anyone who was not a cop could never understand. And that was before Ferguson and Freddy Gray and the rest.

I recall locking up vampire crack dealers who poisoned entire communities only to watch them be pardoned by a racially righteous president who did irreparable harm to the very people he claimed to represent.

I still have visions of police officer friends and colleagues being attacked and injured mentally and physically to the point that they lost a career or even became addicts of the poison that they fought so hard against.

I remember vividly being in a gunfight on 2/6/07 with a gang leader in my home town. I saw true bravery that night and it was in the sworn police officers.

The list goes on. You want body cameras, less than lethal options in lethal situations, Monday morning hindsight judgments and the rest, but somehow you equate that with a profession far less liable, far less responsible and far less necessary and busy?

I'm not anti-firefighter... I'm a realist, pragmatic tax payer who is trying to inform my fellow citizens about a scam being perpetrated with your tax dollars. There is no hate. There is a call to responsible government. Wake up and think about it. Do your own research. 

The stats are clear no matter how they try to sell them. Let your appropriate representative know that you will no longer fund the inefficient bill of goods being pushed on you as a foregone conclusion. 


  1. No one forces you to become a cop first of all, you bring those burdens upon yourself should you chose it. Realist and pragmatic? The government screw us in so many ways and you choose to make your stand against firefighters and use 9/11 as a crutch? Three days before 9/11? Shameful. But hey, I'm just being realistic and pragmatic.

    1. No... you're being a jerk

    2. 924 can't handle the truth. Putting on a badge doesn't make you a good person by default

  2. it is true. 9/11 is the crisis used to villianize the american populace and the unconstitutional patriot act. is used the primary tool used to beat down any dissidence. we saw this coming!...but Democrats assume we were given 11 firefighters! when in reality we were given an additional tax burden going forward.

  3. cry me a river! you work for the government take orders from your superiors (as if they really are). screw the average citizen all because of your career choice and you want us to sympathize. Shoulda done better in school maybe then you wouldn't be on here crying!

  4. The author is spot on.

  5. When Hoppes has in his Master Plans for Salisbury fire protection is not one, but TWO new fire stations covering two new areas but then claims that the SFD has and can continue to cover all the present fire zones, than demonstrates in no uncertain terms talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    Clearly this is ALL about PAID Vs. VOLUNTEER and absolutely nothing else.

    John Cannon, Rick Hoppes, Jake Day, Jimmy Gladwell, all the other assistant chief suckers and the City Council are driving this bus to run down and get rid of all volunteer firefighters, period.

    Whoever can't see that is blind.

  6. 400$ for a 3 minute ambulance ride. The bill was more than the cost of the ER.

    1. If your E.R. bill was less than $400 I'm guessing they didn't do anything for you at the hospital. If they didn't do anything at the hospital, you probably didn't need to be there. And if you didn't need to be there, you most certainly didn't need to arrive by emergency ambulance. Should've been billed double for wasting everybody's time.

  7. Excellent article for those with comprehension skills, who don't pick apart and word twist it to interject their agenda.

  8. I don't admire fire fighters who are paid , the volunteers have my admiration. You are right about the 9/11 , they are spoiled rotten , lazy and not dependable. I was a cop for a long time , now I'm old and see the picture of these spoiled brats written on the walls of government. The city of Salisbury must be the worse I've heard of. The paid firemen do not EARN their wages !!!
    That's a fact jack. Earn is the key word people.

  9. 11:06 AM no one wants to hear your crap. Go rant somewhere else.

  10. Thank you for doing a job that 8:25 and 9:10 obviously didn't make the cut as a lawman. A lot of jealousy folks on here resulting from their failures. Thanks again for having the guts to serve.

  11. All the volunteer shore fire departments are staffed with ....wait for it...rednecks and good ole boys!

  12. And that's who I want to have my back in any emergency, 11:54 AM! Not a bunch of lying, cheating, backstabbing paid firefighters.

    1. Delmar has always done a terrific job.

  13. Anonymous said...
    No one forces you to become a cop first of all, you bring those burdens upon yourself should you chose it. Realist and pragmatic? The government screw us in so many ways and you choose to make your stand against firefighters and use 9/11 as a crutch? Three days before 9/11? Shameful. But hey, I'm just being realistic and pragmatic.

    September 8, 2017 at 8:25 AM

    No one forces you to become a Farmin either. If you had balls and you weren't so lazy you would have become a police officer. I bet you are too dumb to become a paramedic as well.

  14. Anonymous said...
    When Hoppes has in his Master Plans for Salisbury fire protection is not one, but TWO new fire stations covering two new areas but then claims that the SFD has and can continue to cover all the present fire zones, than demonstrates in no uncertain terms talking out of both sides of your mouth.

    Clearly this is ALL about PAID Vs. VOLUNTEER and absolutely nothing else.

    John Cannon, Rick Hoppes, Jake Day, Jimmy Gladwell, all the other assistant chief suckers and the City Council are driving this bus to run down and get rid of all volunteer firefighters, period.

    Whoever can't see that is blind.

    September 8, 2017 at 9:38 AM

    Joe I don't know if you have seen Rick Hopeless' Master Plan, but there is plans for 2 new fire stations. One up North in the area of the Mall. The other one East in the area between the Delmarva Shorebirds Stadium and Wor Wic Community College.

    So one might think that is a good idea? Well the Station by the Delmarva Shorebirds means they will be taking over all fire and EMS right up to Walston Switch Road and even North to Beaver Run School. Well hey, why not? After all the City of Salisbury ran water and sewer all the way to Walston Switch Road to cover Wor Wic Community College and across the highway to the One Stop Job Market as well as to Beaver Run School?

    Yeah why not?? That's what you get when John Cannon and Bob Culver REFUSE to bring Countywide water and sewer to the businesses and citizens of Wicomico County. Buh Bye Parsonsburg Station 6 volunteers. You won't be needed after Bob Culver is footing the bill for paid firemen in Salisbury. After all it's the "Legality" of the Fire Service Agreement he told The Salisbury Independent why he isn't supporting the Station 1 Volunteers. You're next!

    Did you know that the Salisbury Fire Department is working on doing their own 911 dispatching? That is part of the Master Plan and that means that a lot of the Wicomico 911 dispatchers will be out of jobs.

    Did you know that the Salisbury Fire Department is planning on having their own Fire Marshal? It's pat of their Master Plan. That means there will be no need for Wicomico County fire inspectors. There will be more Wicomico County employees in the unemployment line.

  15. This guy is right on the money and he knows how much of a waste the Salisbury Fire Department Career Division is.

    Jake Day, Jake Heath, Jim Ireton and Muir Boda you guys are some dumb idiots for being white!

  16. Anonymous said...
    Excellent article for those with comprehension skills, who don't pick apart and word twist it to interject their agenda.

    September 8, 2017 at 10:00 AM


  17. Anonymous said...
    I don't admire fire fighters who are paid , the volunteers have my admiration. You are right about the 9/11 , they are spoiled rotten , lazy and not dependable. I was a cop for a long time , now I'm old and see the picture of these spoiled brats written on the walls of government. The city of Salisbury must be the worse I've heard of. The paid firemen do not EARN their wages !!!
    That's a fact jack. Earn is the key word people.

    September 8, 2017 at 10:49 AM

    Paid Firemen are Snow Flakes. Look at the Union that they have joined. The IAFF, The International Association of Firefighters.

    Look at who the supported for President the last 3 elections.
    2008- Obama
    2012- Obama
    2016- Hillary

    What does that tell you Folks!

    1. Almost all unions support Democrats, regardless of the opinions of their members.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Thank you for doing a job that 8:25 and 9:10 obviously didn't make the cut as a lawman. A lot of jealousy folks on here resulting from their failures. Thanks again for having the guts to serve.

    September 8, 2017 at 11:26 AM

    I agree, 8:25 and 9:10 are obviously paid firemen from Salisbury.

    I really like the courage this cop has. Unlike his counterparts who get to sleep at night.

  19. Anonymous said...
    And that's who I want to have my back in any emergency, 11:54 AM! Not a bunch of lying, cheating, backstabbing paid firefighters.

    September 8, 2017 at 12:36 PM

    I was thinking the same thing. Most of them cheat on their wives with their "Brothers" significant others.

    Ask some of the paid chiefs about Ginger.

  20. Anonymous said...
    All the volunteer shore fire departments are staffed with ....wait for it...rednecks and good ole boys!

    September 8, 2017 at 11:54 AM

    All the paid Salisbury Fire Departments are staffed with ....wait for it...rednecks and good ole boys!

  21. I have had the pleasure of meeting a few paid firefighters. My niece married a nice young man who is a paid firefighter and I have had talked with some of the guys/girls he works witht on several occasions different events. Not once did I hear them talking bad about another firemen from their department or another station. They all joked with each other and were actually pleasant to talk to even though they had never met me before. I was a bit hesitant to even talk to them since I didn't know them and because of the past treatment and attitudes of our local paid firemen. This was not the case at all. It has to be in the leadership and how they are trained and what they are allowed to get away with? There still is a 'brotherhood' in some departments it just doesn't seem to be happening around here.

  22. 2:11
    Sorry you had to wake from your nap to take care of a patient. That is however what you are paid to do! Next time the other commenters can just skip the ER and come to you for a diagnosis.

    1. That's correct, I am paid to take care of patients. If you want to call the ambulance because your toe has been hurting for two weeks, be my guest. I'll take you to the hospital as much as you want. Just don't complain when your insurance doesn't cover your bill.

  23. Many people chose to not take good paying jobs that they find morally wrong. I would not be a police officer right now because you are the hired guns of a government I find completely corrupt.
    What does that have to do with you bashing firemen? What does arresting crack dealers, who by the way only sell to CRACKHEADS have to do with you bashing firemen? What does your co-workers getting hooked on stolen evidence room crack have to do with you bashing firemen. How are you going to claim firemen get too much since 9/11 when we now have more aggressive police, police in heavily armored military equipment, and less constitutional protections since 9/11?

    The only thing you said right is that police academy changes you, but maybe instead of blaming EVERYONE ELSE for their attitudes you should ask yourself, "What are me and my co-workers doing that has the general public so upset?" That question, much like police academy may change you. You may find a moral obligation to quit your job.

    1. Someone loves a drug dealer. lol. Too damn funny. No moral issues with that profession.

    2. 3:48 no, don't love drug dealers, but I am less concerned for my safety when approached by a drug dealer than when I'm approached by a cop.

  24. 9:57 Only $400. You got a bargain. Mine was over $700 for 2 miles right here in Salisbury to PRMC.

  25. This guy whines like a little bi**h about wasting time and money.
    He's a brave cop, with danger all around and he wants to have people feel his pain.
    Little bit*h.
    HE thinks having 25 cops stand around and harass innocent people for hours at a Nazi checkpoint is NOT a waste of time and money? No, it isn't, be because HE got paid. HE thinks stopping Ms. Jones for not wearing her seat belt is a demanding job and full of risk. His arm probably still hurts from patting himself on the back. Ask him how much is HIS pension?
    His credibility is less than stellar.
    Keep cheering.


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