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Monday, September 11, 2017

9-11 Memorial Ride In Ocean City Maryland LIVE


  1. Thanks, Joe, I couldn't make it this year. Never forget!

  2. These memories should never be forgotten but it is time we drop all these ceremonies. We have done nothing as a country to retaliate against the ones responsible. Our Military does not get these types of ceremonies. For those who are going to be critical of my comment, I ask what about the hundreds of thousands of the Viet Nam Vets that were and have been disrespected and constantly looked down upon.

  3. wonderful turn out.

  4. Anonymous said...
    These memories should never be forgotten but it is time we drop all these ceremonies. We have done nothing as a country to retaliate against the ones responsible. Our Military does not get these types of ceremonies. For those who are going to be critical of my comment, I ask what about the hundreds of thousands of the Viet Nam Vets that were and have been disrespected and constantly looked down upon.

    September 11, 2017 at 2:49 PM

    Amen. It's all about the 343 paramedics and the NYPD, but they fail to mention the Paramedics that died. Paramedics save lives, not firemen so give me a freaking break.


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