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Sunday, September 24, 2017

1110 Division N ST: IT’S ON ZILLOW FOR $150 GRAND!

Remember back in Dec 2015 when Ireton kicked the owners out of this house for taxes and just “kept” the house for the City? Well, it’s been fully remodeled by SNHS and is now owned by them. 

This all brick home has had all new electrical service, all new plumbing, all new windows and drywall. The new windows bring out the beauty of the character of the home. Beautiful laminate flooring, All new kitchen cabinets and counter tops plus all new stainless steel appliances. Wood fireplace in living room. Unfinished full basement. Relax on the spacious open front and side porch. Close to schools and shopping. Qualifies for Salisbury Neighborhood Housing financing. 

Where did the money come from, Block Grants? If sold, will the profits go back to the State Block Grant Fund?


  1. In 2016 it was assessed @ 80K and taxes were 2K.
    That means since the value is almost double taxes will be around 4K.
    Good luck selling it with 4K in taxes a year.

    1. Taxes are not based on sale price or asking price but on assessment which is listed in SDAT Personal property info

  2. And the welfaee THUGS will DESTROY IT.

  3. Nice house. Bad location.

  4. The City of Salisbury should not be in the real estate business. The funds to rehabilitate this house had to be from public funds, or taxpayer money, and when sold, only the unpaid back taxes should be deducted form gross receipts, the remainder should revert back to the CBDG fund or whatever public money was used.

    But, it won't, and that makes this a crime.

  5. yes, always loved the porch

  6. 11:16 AM The contractor who did the rehab has to be paid, and you know that is someone's buddy.

    They will never get 150K for it.
    Next door is a rental, you can tell by the staircase that runs up the side of the house.
    Looks like the cellar gets a lot of water.
    The shoddy workmanship is obvious in the little things, like the crooked doors on the kitchen cabinets and the filthy fireplace. If they did a crap job on that what else did they do half way.

  7. The location and immediate area did grant renovations years ago and was a big splash for the folks in charge when it happen. Guess what....those properties have fallen into the same if not worse shape since the surrounding neighborhood wasn't what the new owners could or wanted to survive. Great ideal but these programs will never work...tried and tested as failures!

  8. 1131, ReStore volunteers do the work and the a City is making bank off their backs!

  9. It appears from comments you folks are unaware exactly what SNHS is all about.

    I am confused how Jim Ireton kicked the previous owner(s) out, as there are Penalties for Failure to pay both City and County Real Estate Taxes. You don't pay for 2 years your property is sold at the Court House Door. It matters not who was Mayor, County Executive Director.

    How many times is the actual selling price the same as the asking price?

  10. 12:32 PM Not sure where you got that info from but that is not true. When we bought out home taxes were based on the price we bought it for and that was the new assessed price.

  11. Nice place if you like 2000 cars, trucks, buses and pedestrians passing by every day, and being 200 feet from Route 13, where 20,000 go by.

  12. I use to live around the corner from this house. It was always a rental......and I'm sure will be a rental once again. You just know Jim Dandy and little boy Jake have their fingers in this pie.

  13. 150K is a pipe dream, more like $120K on the high side. The only person making out with this deal is the contractor.

    That money needs to be put back in the grant funds, they told me they were out of funds for City properties till November when it gets replenished.

  14. Does it come with bullet proof windows and a fence ?

  15. Look at the SDAT site. Owner is listed as City of Salisbury. Seller sold at 30,000 on 11/25/2012 for delinquent taxes. City gets SNHS/ Habitat/ Restore to use their volunteer labor force to fix it up then resell it at a profit. Materials and whatever labor is paid by whose money?

    Taxpayers/ grant funding that's SUPPOSED to help low income residents with a new roof so they can keep their homes and similar things, NOT to flip houses for the City and make money!

    The City needs to open their books to us on this and explain!

    1. I bet gillis sent in workers for $$$$$$$

  16. They are just not getting the point here, Joe.

  17. "Remember back in Dec 2015 when Ireton kicked the owners out of this house for taxes and just “kept” the house for the City?"

    This is misleading -
    Ireton did not kick them out,or keep the house for the city. The owners lost the house because they were at least two years behind in delinquent property taxes. This
    The house came into City of Salisbury's possession because no one bid on the property the day of the sale and the owners still had not paid the taxes.
    The county and city are only interested in collecting delinquent taxes plus interest plus expenses incurred and do not required the property be sold at assessed value. In this case the City of Salisbury became owner of the house because of delinquent taxes and no bid. The city sold it to SNHS (Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Service) which is not owned or run by the City of Salisbury. SNHS has made the renovations, etc, and now has the house for sale to recoup its expenditures. Property owned by the City of Salisbury is tax exempt. This property owned by SNHS has no Tax exemptions listed on SDAT Property form so SNHS is paying property taxes.

  18. This wasn't the first time Jim Ireton pulled thuggery on the citizens of Salisbury. It's one of the many reasons why we should all take all necessary measures to make sure he never holds another elected office or teach the children in the community. He's unfit and inappropriate to be around adults and children alike.

  19. 11:31, must be illegals that renovated it. Their work is always shoddy.

  20. This will be Section 8 housing, plain and simple.

  21. "The new windows bring out the beauty of the character of the home."
    Can't do that in our neighborhood because of "historic" designation. Homes need to be designated historic on an individual basis. Our home was the youngest in our district, yet it's "in the zone". We can't make the windows attractive for any reason.

  22. 11: 31 Not true. I've found them to be exemplary, superior to both white & blacks.

  23. The house should have been sold at auction and after taxes and expenses the remainder returned to the former owner.


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