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Monday, August 28, 2017

Worcester County Humane Society Volunteers Sought

BERLIN — The Worcester County Humane Society is currently seeking volunteers to serve in a variety of roles to help the cats and dogs at the no kill shelter.

Volunteer opportunities include adoption events and fundraising, in-shelter volunteers, fostering shelter cats and dogs, and helping to take care of cats being housed at Petco in West Ocean City.

Worcester County Humane Society is a private, nonprofit that depends on donations and fundraisers to care for the many cats and dogs that find their way to the shelter. Volunteers are needed to take part in the shelter’s Ways and Means Committee, which is in charge of all of the shelter’s fundraisers and adoption events held mostly on weekends. There are various ways to help on this committee including chairing an event, working at an event, collecting donations for raffles and auctions, baking sweets for bake sales and making dog biscuits to sell at events. Those interested in joining the Ways and Means Committee can call Sandy Summers at 443-235-5647.

In-shelter volunteer opportunities are very much needed for care of the shelter animals. Volunteers are needed seven days a week. Some in-house volunteer duties include cleaning kennels and cages, cleaning cat areas, walking dogs, doing dishes and laundry and office help.



  1. Time to make ALL shelters (ALL 50 STATES ) >> NO Kill !!!

  2. The Rich Like Oprah and Bill Gates could Make it Happen !!!
    Ellen and many more ................why haven't they ????

  3. A lot of high school kids have to volunteer to graduate. It would be good to put flyers out near Stephen Decatur and ask some church youth groups and woman's groups on the area.

    Love and Cherish EVERY ONE !!!!! Protect Them !!!!


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