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Monday, August 07, 2017

Wicomico Okays Rental Assistance Grant Funding

SALISBURY – Wicomico County officials this week approved an application that will allow the Department of Social Services to seek grant funding for its Rental Allowance Program.

In a Wicomico County Council meeting Tuesday, Department of Social Services Dawn Spicer told county leaders that the department has received grant funding from the state to administer the program, which provides temporary housing assistance for homeless and at-risk families, for more than two decades.

“We have had the grant for over 20 years,” she said. “The purpose of the grant is to provide rental assistance to families.”

Any funding received from this year’s grant will be divided and given to three department programs; 40 percent to rapid rehousing, 40 percent to homelessness prevention and 20 percent to administration, according to the application.



  1. Why, as a landlord, did Cannon vote on this when some of the money could come to him in the end?

  2. grant funding? what a load of rubbish. it's tax money and coming from somewhere. Don't I already pay enough in taxes? now we have to give more for those who refuse to be contributing members of society?

  3. I just pray they do background checks on these people they are trying to help with no surprises, such as rapes, stealing, and most of all not wanted for murder. We need preventative steps to keep crime down.

  4. You really don't know the circumstances. Your judgement of the recipients are very harsh when in fact the very same thing could happen to you.

  5. You really don't know the circumstances. Your judgement of the recipients are very harsh when in fact the very same thing could happen to you.


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