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Friday, August 04, 2017

Wicomico County Sheriffs Office To Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors In Ford Explorers

In a proactive move by the Sheriffs Office, carbon monoxide detectors are being installed in all of their Ford Explorers based on all of the problems law enforcement agencies are having nation wide. 10 new Explorers were orders recently along with additional vehicles ordered previously.  


  1. Ford should put them in!!! Why does the taxpayer need to yet again pay for a car manufacturer screw up. Ford puts bulletproof panels into the doors of new police interceptor models. They also have sensors in the back that alert the officer if someone is sneaking up on their parked car. This is obviously to squeeze taxpayers for greater profit because if they cared about police safety toxic gas filling the cabin would generate immediate recall.

  2. 10:31, Relax, they don't cost much at all. I'd rather see Officers being protected for a minimum purchase then an Officer being killed or even killing someone else because they passed out.

    I'd also say that there's a very good chance Ford will reimburse the County for this minor expense.

  3. 10:31 there are far worse things that your taxes are being used for..

  4. 10:45 Joe - well stated response! Saving lives is what counts!

  5. 10:31 doesn't pay enough taxes to even matter. Your friendly slumlords pay the bulk of the taxes since the own 80% of the city and plenty of properties in the county.

  6. 1:44 PM It is included in the rent I pay. Stupid born here with your ignorant backwoods mentality.

  7. 1:44 Just why are you living here since you think everyone born here is stupid. If you don't like our ignorant backwoods mentality you are most welcome to0 return to where you came from.


  8. Saw TV segment about this. How hard is it to get a CO sniffer to find out where the leak/s originate?

  9. 10:45. So then why is it even a story.


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