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Friday, August 18, 2017

Why We Should Keep Confederate Statues


  1. "...that we should not re-write history but should erase history.." history is still there. You should all check out these things called books. They have TONS of information.

  2. 9:42 - was that a yes or no?

  3. Michael Massey I would vote for you today, you were taught when we all were taught to love our country and our history, you don't rewrite you learn from it. We need to stand together there are bigger issues facing this nation and world peace, we need to put God back in schools where all this crap started if you start giving into the minorities on everything than we all will loose.

  4. History has already been rewritten to glorify the confederacy, remove all the traitors!

  5. So correct Mr.Massey. Especially about the last failed so called subject of the White House. He offends me so let's remove him (from our country)

  6. ISIS destroys monuments, statues and any literature that is not in line with their propaganda and agenda to control the population.
    Stalin, Hitler and other tyrants have done the same thing in the past.


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