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Sunday, August 13, 2017


Local Fire Stations have been saying for a hundred years now that they keep the sirens operating for emergency situations. WHY didn't the sirens go off throughout our communities when this tornado touched down?


  1. Cell phones didn't go off either.

  2. Not like you could hear them from the 3 city stations far away as st 1 is from SU.

  3. Thats a good question someone has to answer it!

  4. Holy crap I didn't even know a tornado touched down near me THANKS MAYOR.

  5. Need to ask David Shipley of Wicomico County Emergency Services.

  6. They're just for air raids and nuclear bombings, it seems.

    1. Guess we'll find out when North Korea launches...you know....while the US sits with its thumb up its a$$ doing nothing.

  7. Because this sh!t hole has NO ONE on any of the TV stations that has a clue what they are doing. They all spout off about how their station has "Triple Track Dipply Dopply Doo Doo" radar.....Bulls!t!!!!! News outlets subscribe to weather data from the National Weather Service, all they need is someone that can interpret the incoming data. vuess that's we we get from stations that pay their "talent" $10 an hour.

  8. I was wondering the exact same thing..last time there was a warning a year and a half ago, our phones went off too..this time absolutely nothing.

  9. When you really need the warning we get nothing!!!
    Heads should certainly Roll!!

  10. Wont go off for them either.

  11. Jake told them we don't have bad weather or crime!

  12. Really far away from most to hear

  13. No warning= no warning siren

  14. Because National Weather nor the local weather gave them the heads up.

  15. Because most people would ignore the siren and call 911 to complain about the noise.

    1. 353 you're full of sh**. Why don't you go play in the tornado. Get the hint?! Idiot.

    2. 3:53 You are not an idiot, you hit the nail on the head

  16. What if communications fail? Phone lines, pagers?

  17. Well what happened to the warnings that flash this is just a test, for our disaster warning ? It did not alert in the actual event. So maybe it is just a test :( Oh and none of the warnings we have on our phones, local 911 or news apps went off either. Hey If you see a tornado RUN !!! Since apparently no one else is going to warn you , I will. Your welcome, be safe.

  18. Jake forgot to pay the electric bill.

  19. I'm in NC (from MD) and I got an alert that one was spotted.... I'm 8 hours away

    1. I live in Fruitland and I first heard about it from my daughter in Virginia Beach around 9:00 pm. I told her she must be mistaken. She sent me a picture of the damage. WOW

  20. No alerts from Weather Channel on cell phone, but keep getting them for rain and flood warning. Must have been too fast for them to alert.

  21. Emergency Services must have been asleep at the wheel. David Shipley should be held accountable since this is his policy for the sirens.

    1. They need notification of the threat to activate the procedure. If they have no info from National Weather or local weather or someone who actually sees a tornado the alert is not issued. Use your heads people, would you call your family about a tornado without any contact from anyone that there is one or one that may happen. You just want to whine about something. Smh

  22. National weather and the airport had no idea of this. Sometimes there isn't advanced warnings. Was any tornado watch in place?

  23. Nobody in the emergency response field here knows what the hell they are doing.

  24. How come Dizzy Dan didn't track this weather from the West ? It was 70 deg 100 percent humid and DIZZY DAN didn't see this coming the NO CIVIL DEFENSE ALERT ? AMD no FD ALERT ?

    1. Because Dan have his head so far up the global warming enthusiast a## he can't function properly as a weather forecaster!

  25. I'ts going of now!

  26. 4:43 such rage, such wit, such stupidity, why comment.

  27. What good are the sirens if they are not going to activate them when there is a tornado going on? Thanks Salisbury, for nothing.

    1. They were activated in Fruitland Allen and part of Salisbury when they got the information. They only active the areas effected. They did not have any warning during the tornado on S Salisbury Bv so no warning.

  28. The siren went off in Snow Hill.

  29. When we have triple doppler double dip ropper stopper x-ray laser high frequency color action radar with cripple hipple topple magnetar extra toppings playdar, sometimes we can't open the windows to see the approaching tornadoes.

    Chill, peeps!

  30. When severe weather is in the forecast, maybe someone should go outside to watch the clouds for rotation instead of sitting at a computer.

  31. Station 1 on Beaglin Park sounded their alarm during the tornado. I live across the street from there. It was a long, single-tone siren that made me wonder if it was a Tornado Warning instead of a fire alarm.

  32. NWS has given the answer to this question in several places but apparently no one but me and NWS knows the answer as to WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THE SIRENS GO OFF?

  33. We may not get tornado warnings but at least we have the cute little blue thingamajigs in the road to tell the fire department where the hydrants are. That is important stuff!!!

  34. 100 million for a weather radar system,we all got robbed!

  35. The sirens did go off. Why do people keep commenting they didn't.

  36. I'm in Princess Anne...just heard thunder!! Everyone hide...get to a safe place! All you idiots need to use commen sense!!! Stop depending on and blaming the weather man! Tornadoes are so unpredictable!! Set the sirens off everytime it storms and see who pays attention then! The same people would have been at the same places if the sirens went off or not!

  37. 8:51 is right but the first siren went off after the damage had already been done. A second siren sounded at 4:40 because there was a warning for a second tornado but it went off 20 minutes before that storm cell actually hit and when it did hit there was no tornado. So it sounded but it certainly didn't help anyone.

  38. WBOC only watches Dover where their owner (Draper) resides... He don't care about the rest of the shore!

  39. Salisbury did away with their fire sirens that were supposed to have been used for emergencies like this. Just like recently the new Station 2 at the corner of Brown and Naylor Streets. Took them down and did not replace them. It was like F*** the citizens and tax payers in Wicomico County. You can blame Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Rick Hoppes and even the voters for putting these idiots in office. We lucked out THIS TIME and I doubt the next time we will be as fortunate.

    1. If sirens did sirens did go off, it was for the fire calls associated with the storm. Not for the citizens to be warned or a civil defense purpose.
      Think about how effective those sirens really are, or aren't. Do you think you would be able to hear them over traffic, your radio, your TV, your smartphone, your laptop, your tablet and through the improved insulation in your modern home?
      No you probably wouldn't hear it unless you lived right next to it. As far as the fire departments are concerned, the same logic applies. That's why they use pagers and text alerting in cell phones. Technology.

    2. The sirens did sound in a steady pattern different than when fire calls happen in fruitland. I did find out the city took down the siren st station 2 and did not replace it. Maybe now the mayor will put it back.

  40. Maybe because it wasn't a tornado!!!

  41. Who's going to tell them to sound the alarm? The answer might surprise you.


  42. People hear sirens they believe they are fire calls. They should use large electric horns to warn people for weather or related calls. That would make people to take cover and listen to radio, cell phone, or tv.

  43. I wasn't in town during the tornado, so can't say if any sirens went off then. But sometime between 4:30 & 5:00pm on Monday, I was in the Milford St. area and did hear a siren go off. I'm not sure what kind it was or where it came from.


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