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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

We're Exxon & We Simply Don't Give A Crap In Texas


  1. Gouging as Usual !!!! Need Gouging Laws , apparently we
    have NONE !!!!

  2. Coming to a gas station near you!!! They already said, they were going to raise gas prices for the whole country becasue of this hurricane...

  3. 1203 refineries in the gulf are offline. This is your capitalist government free economy in action

    1. oh geez, take your prescription opiates with S. Olsen....and get off our page Democrat

  4. That isn't Exxon--that's an independent gas station owner who is gouging--people around his area won't forget and they hopefully will boycott him until it changes ownership... Exxon is trying to get its refining capacity back online--it will take weeks.. so yes prices will go up... but not that much

  5. FINES are what need to be placed on GOUGERS !!!!

  6. Excuses Excuses for raising gas prices
    This week it is a storm
    Next week it is something else
    Goes ON and ON Never ends !!!!

    It should be Capped Off by Federal Govt @ 50 cents per Gal

  7. It used to be > at the pump
    The Higher number on the fuel pump gauge as you put in gas
    was the GALLONS / now, it is the PRICE one

    That needs to be Reversed Back like it used to be

    GALLONS = higher # Price = Lower # !!!!!!!!!!!


  8. Gas price swings are irritating, to say the least.

    But no cars at pumps and looks like property is seeking tenant perhaps due to bank sign. Real news or Fake news?

  9. Hopefully the residents will be reminded on a regular basis of the gouging by this business during a tragic natural disaster and refuse to purchase anything after there once recovery begins.

  10. Last comment at .50 cents per gallon--socialism/communism... sure is the place to go--NOT--have you looked at Venezuela lately??? you think you are "Entitled" to a gasoline---- No gas, no toliet paper, no food, can't force people to work and make gasoline or anything below market value... just a ridiculous statement..

    Maybe Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela are the places to live now--everything there is "free"!!!

  11. 1248, therein lies the rub. You say the Fed Govt needs to step in, MANY folks say the Fed Govt needs to step off/stay out. Its not an either or when it comes to the Feds, but most think so.

    In a capitalistic society, when disasters like Houston, New Orleans, Homestead FL take place - localities are in charge, then the state steps in if needed, then feds.

    There are special rules/laws at it pertains to National Guard (TX already did that) and Army mobilization in cases of emergency.

    Aside from gauging, the cost of this terrible disaster will take years to figure out!

  12. That may indeed be too much to charge, but when he's out of gas because people who didn't need it filled up, then he's out of gas for everyone. Plus it will cost him a lot more to get gas than the regular price. Prices rise when resources get scarce - this may be too much, but do you really know?

  13. 1:43 PM what a stupid comment. he is going to run out sooner or later so jack up the price and rip off those that need it the most? i think they call that gouging.

  14. The USA reserve is always kept at 500-520 million barrels of oil.....this situation is dire enough to tap that if needed.

  15. Fake Shortage was in the 70's > ALL Fake as is today !!

    Plenty of fuel > as long as You pay their Price !!!! Fact

  16. Plenty of Gouging goes on HERE too........
    The same damn company on rt 50 has different prices than
    the one at rt 13 at the mall.....explain that !!!!!

  17. Have boycotted Exxon since the spill in Prince William Sound in Alaska many years ago. They paid their measly fine & lied about the clean up - so I'm in no way surprised about this.

  18. Sounds like free market to me. I.E. if you need a product then you pay said price. If you don't like said price you move on to the next business offering it. If there is no other business selling said goods then you either pay their price or do without.


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