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Tuesday, August 22, 2017



  1. Yep. I am 100% behind that statement!

  2. I am 100% behind that as well. You wont see that on the New England Patriots-or the player will be packing his bags!

  3. Fire those who should be Fired .....Problem Solved !!!!!!!

  4. As I understand it, the players are paid athletes. The OWNERS must control their actions considering they are wearing uniforms of the "Company". If anyone chooses to sit they are defying company rules, and, as such should be held accountable. Sitting or other forms of demonstration, will not be tolerated and such action will limit or restrict playing time. This should be in their contract on "failure to perform". The owners have to stick together on this or the NFL will become an institutional failure.

  5. Not a peep from the corporate owners of the stadiums. They should be bearing some of the heat, too.

  6. Football used to be fun

  7. NASCAR until November, and alot of Hockey again this year.
    Yes I do watch college football, no NFL since last year when it all started.. Don't know if that makes me a hypocrite or not.

  8. NASCAR truck series sponsor stated he didn't want Trump supporters' business, so that may be out too.

  9. Right, sure you will. Not a single one of you is gonna follow up on any threats.

    So let me see if I have this right, this is America... Where you are free...as long as you do what we say.. and you better not actually exercise your freedom.. or we'll make you pay for it.

    You have all forgotten why America is the greatest nation on earth.

    1. 2:37 there is a time and a place.

  10. If we could some how identify the people who put the PC pressure on the league maybe we could end it.

  11. I will only follow two NFL teams this year. The Dallas Cowboys and Kansas City Chiefs. Both of their owners have taken a stand and told their players "you will stand the for the National Anthem."

  12. The NAACP yesterday called for a boycott of the entire NFL. They don't like the way Colin Kaepernick has been treated. I just better stop there. No need for snarky comments.


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