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Sunday, August 06, 2017

We on strike at Chesapeake waste 7-31-17



  1. What a joke they can't go a day without getting paid who are they kidding. For the ones that have child support coming out of your check mike Lewis has a room for you

  2. It should be known that the title we published is THEIR title.

  3. Are they owned by Waste Management?

  4. This is in Cambridge not Salisbury so it has nothing to do with Mike Lewis.

    1. Uuuuhh let's see they're employee base are more than likely Salisbury based so probability that maybe just one of these fellows is paying child support in wicomico county. Whatcha think there @10:57??

    2. 11:44. Reading your comment is like listening to their video!!!

    3. Damn @11:51 you don't even possess enough intelligence to recognize sarcasm either?

  5. As a Chesapeake customer who lives over behind the college, I just want to say that the guys who pick up our weekly trash are the nicest guys ever. They do a job that most of us could never do. Hoping they are able to get this resolved in a way that's fair to everyone!

    1. They do a job that most dont want to do not cant. BIG difference. Also by your logic the company should be Mexican operated.

  6. Couldn't understand much more than M/F or F. I didn't take Ebonics. Fire and hire!

  7. I interviewed for an office job in Salisbury awhile back. Couldn't run away fast enough.

  8. This is America, more power to them. They'll either be fired or get a raise. I know I wouldn't want to have to do their job.

  9. I wish CW would fix their trucks so that will stop leaking oil and/or hydraulic fluid all over our streets.
    If you or I leaked that much, the EPA would come down hard on our asses in a heartbeat. This flows right into the creeks and river every time it rains.
    Fix the leaks, guys. It's not that hard to put on a new gasket or o-ring!!!

  10. The owners of the company both spent time in prison for fraud with over charging customers back in 1993 when they were involved with the Eastern Waste Industries based out of Annapolis. Google it!Their trucks also have holes in them to allow any waste water to drain out so they don't have to pay for the added weight at the County dump.
    Remember, most of the time you get what you pay for. In this case, trucks that spill nasty water and oil fluid on the street in front of your home. And rear loading of waste on their trucks that allows trash to blow out when they speed through your neighborhood to the next stop! They definitely need to clean their act up.

  11. Mike Lewis doesn't have time he is to busy making Holloway Funeral commercials

  12. Every now and then I need to see and listen to this crap so I can be reminded of a culture that is born of hatred and ignorance . 13 % of the population ?

  13. Good for them, I knew a few guys who worked for them and they had some shady practices. Example: the workers get paid per route but if a truck breaks down they have to pick up an extra route with no extra pay.

  14. I don't know why some of you are making fun of these people. They pick up your trash at your curb. If they don't do it you will have to. Take time out of your busy day, load trash into your vehicle or trailer if you have one, take it to landfill, pay the fees, all the while making faces cuz your trash stinks.

    Yeah, real smart putting these people down.

    1. We compost, recycle and take the rest to the dump. Cheap and not that difficult 2:32.

  15. I guess that's why our trash didn't get picked up on Thursday? Our whol3 neighborhood's trash is still sitting by the road!!!!

  16. That is an incredibly hard job and like the guy said they do it in any weather. How much less do you think they make than our new city assistants who wont do squat? New hires in a job like that should not get paid more than the guys who have been there for years. They have every right to do what they did and based on what I have heard about the owners of Chesapeake waste they employees will probably all be fired. If that's the case I'm cancelling my service.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We compost, recycle and take the rest to the dump. Cheap and not that difficult 2:32.

    July 31, 2017 at 4:15 PM

    No, it's probably not, for those who want to take the time and energy to do it. I have done it myself from time to time and it's not that big of a deal. But if everyone had to do it, can you imagine the lines? And you can bet there would be some there that would get confused and slow the process down even further. Not to mention running into the employee that gives everyone a hard time because he thinks he is king of the trash empire or whatever. lol

  18. This is stupid! Everyone is replaceable they will always find someone that wants to work for a living! In fact if I was in charge prisoners would be doing this work! Child support, DUI, Drug possession etc!


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