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Friday, August 25, 2017

Wage suit filed against Hooper’s

Lawsuit latest in string of complaints against resort eateries for pay concerns

Another wage, tip and overtime lawsuit against a resort restaurant was filed in early July, this one accusing Hooper’s Crab House of not reporting accurate work hours.

Eight plaintiffs have joined Casey Knox, of Severna Park, Maryland in the suit against the restaurant. The others, so far, have local or nearby addresses.

Knox was employed twice by the restaurant, from early June until Sept. 1, 2015, and again in late May to early July 2016.

Knox alleges she initially trained as a hostess, but was moved into a server position relatively quickly. Servers’ hours, according to court documents, were more or less determined by where they were stationed in the restaurant. For example, employees assigned to Sneaky Pete’s, the outdoors bayside bar, were expected to report before 11 a.m., and the shift could last until midnight, according to the complaint.



  1. Greedy owners didn't learn from the other lawsuits filed in OC for the same or similar issues.

  2. It knocks them to their knees because someone finally spoke up.

  3. These greedy employers need to be brought to light. Employees are being taken advantage of, and it really needs to stop.

  4. Let's say one group dined and paid $150 cash for meal and gratuity. whats to stop a server from claiming she was stiffed on the bill and keeping all the cash?

    1. That happened to my girl and I and our two friends over 150.00 meal...we wrote a complaint, resturant tapes were reviewed and found merit in our comolaint....the resturant sent us a gift card with that amount that my girl and I used on a diffrent date.....and yes, it does happen.

    2. If a sever would do that,and it could happen they would get caught. It could happen maybe once or twice but if the same server keeps happening over and over then there's a problem.
      Don't put the honest people in the same bag.

  5. Most people pay with plastic especially when on vacation or large checks.

  6. Treats their employees like children? Ha wicked step children maybe!

  7. Pizza tugos / Scott hies should be the next one !!!!!

  8. They would make servers like myself in 1998 that worked there pay for any walkouts too.. They never treated us like her children.

  9. Treat them like children? Nope. They make servers pay for any walk outs.. and those bills get pretty steep. The tip outs are ridiculous as well. The owners don't even know the employees names for them to be treated as children. They are ridiculously greedy.

  10. Just like the original Hoopers was lost in a"fire" . Greedy bastards

  11. If these allegations are true this is just another business owner who takes advantage of the system and forces government into business. Why do this kind of crap when it's blatantly illegal and unfair? It only makes the government more present in our lives when we need it to get out of it! Thanks a lot, Hoopers.

  12. Honestly the worst place I ever worked.. Good money if you get tipped, but royette acts like every employee is out to sabotage the business.. They fire people over every little thing.. Literally if you don't clear a table before dropping a check, fired.. Late because of an accident, fired.. Missed crab shells under a table, fired..she does not care about her employees.. I've seen people who have been one of her favorites go to one of her targets..thank God I stayed under the radar.Glad I left there when I did.

  13. I think 90% of the people who worked there would have something to say about this. At 16 years old, I would work 9 hours no breaks, and at 17 years old I would work 10+ hours no breaks. My first night as a server they allegedly claimed I did my tip out wrong and had to come back in to give them money.. I ended up making no money and paying them on top of that. Sketchy. Royette also told me she wrote in my file how bad of an employee I was, even though I always volunteered to close, and worked almost everyday, just because I was out for a couple of days because of strep throats and brought a doctors note in. Keep in mind all of this happened and I was not even 18. There was one time a bus boy passed out from the heat and being overworked and Mr. Shepard said, "Make sure he's clocked out." They also fired me because I told them way before the restaurant even opened that I was volunteering at Relay for Life on their opening day and because I wouldn't work that I wouldn't be on the schedule at all. I am so glad I don't work there anymore.

  14. This is honestly a relief to hear.. as other people have said, it is an absolutely terrible place to work. They treat everyone like crap, far beyond the scope of constructive criticism. I'm all for being stern when you have 30 employees to manage, but they think they walk on water. If you aren't screwing one of the managers you're automatically a target. I hope this place gets what they deserve and the employees get a pay out..

  15. I have been hearing about this from the younger crowd for about 25 years, things like making everyone report for duty an hour early, but not clock in and working to get ready for the evening. Sitting around , waiting for the crowds and not allowed to clock in until their first table is seated. This is not an isolated case. I hope the DLLR checks out all the people who have worked in the past. They, too, would have a case. I am surprised no one sued them sooner.


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