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Sunday, August 20, 2017

VOTE: Do you think ALL Confederate monuments need to be removed? 8-15-17


  1. I think our history is just that - history. There are monuments marking the end of slavery and those who helped to do just that. Will we remove all evidence of it, on both sides? If you take out one, all must go. What do these people want? The unrest across the US is getting dangerous.

    1. Let's get rid of the Harriet tubman museum,if they want to get rid of history,get rid of it all.

  2. Yes if you remove. Robert e lee then you should also remove frederick douglass. It is all history. You can't just pick and choose.

    1. It's not remvong history, its not glorifying traitors that rebelled against our nation and constitution

  3. If only the South had won. We wouldn't have to put up with SJW's

    1. Amen. Case to be made that we need to split the country now before it comes to war. Let the left have the West coast to make their Communist state, we'll keep the rest.

  4. Absolutely not! It is history....

  5. MLK statues should be taken he was a KNOWN WOMANIZER.

  6. No its history, simple and plain and I dont have to bash other races and/or their monuments to get that point across

  7. Just in from the Drudge Report, now it is stone mountain Georgia!!!!! They want to destroy the monument. Like the Mount Rushmore of the south!


  8. ABSOLUTLEY NOT!!!!!!! It's part of history. Hasn't bothered a Goddamned person in all these years. Now, in the past 18 months, it's all "take 'em all down and burn all the confederate flags"
    No wonder the white nationalist's are pissed off!!

  9. Removing a confederate monument does not "revise" history. In fact, it does the exact opposite. Why would we glorify those who fought against the US just so they could maintain their perceived right to keep fellow humans in bondage? It is those who erected these monuments and who choose to bask in this idolized version of the confederacy who are trying to rewrite history.

    1. Because they were still Americans fighting on American soil. (war was never declared and seccession never accepted; Lincoln considered it civil disorder) Because they were ALL fighting for what they believed in in THEIR time and society. They were rebelling/defending just like the protestors and activists do today. Flags and all.

  10. Amazing how a bunch of punks can pull down a statue and no one stops or arrests them.Not against the law?

  11. The underlying reason for the Civil War was not slavery. It was economics. The reason for these statues was to honor those that fought and died during the war and to remind future generations of the suffering that is caused by violence. Will the Baltimore Mayor erect CVS Pharmacy monuments to replace those Confederate that she wishes to destroy? If we fail to teach history (for political reasons), there will be nobody left that understands who and why they are what they are today. You must know history in order to prevent bad history from repeating itself.

    1. That's BS. Most civil war monuments were put im the 20th century in defiance to the growing civil rights movement to instil fear in to Black people

    2. 2:38 That's the biggest bunch of bs I have ever heard. You really need to educate yourself before you spew such bull. You're watching that main stream media and drinking up their koolaid.

  12. No, we need the reminder of where we have been so that we never go there again.

  13. NO! If, and I mean If, not for the war slavery would have continued for another 50+ years. These people are part of the end of slavery in this country, it IS part of this countries history you can't act like it never happened. If seeing these statues and monuments bother you don't go look at them ... problem solved!

  14. No. Why do people think erasing history will change it?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Removing a confederate monument does not "revise" history. In fact, it does the exact opposite. Why would we glorify those who fought against the US just so they could maintain their perceived right to keep fellow humans in bondage? It is those who erected these monuments and who choose to bask in this idolized version of the confederacy who are trying to rewrite history.

    August 15, 2017 at 12:30 PM

    You are not well versed in history it seems to me. Both sides were Americans so both sides fought against the U.S., no? And ole Abe himself said he would keep slavery if it meant that would end that horrible war. Slavery was just one aspect of that war and it became important only after the war had started. (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that)

    These statues don't bother me one way or the other. I don't understand why they would bother anyone unless their ancestors were affected by slavery and the war. And who wasn't affected by the war? People on both sides of that war died. Some may see these statues as a reminder of slavery while others see these statues as a memorial to lost family members.

    I think, and this is only my opinion, that if these statues bother anyone that much, they have other issues going on or an agenda they are trying to advance or both.

    Toppling any statue in my mind doesn't help anything, it just widens the divide we already have in this country. If hate is in anyone's heart, does toppling a statue remove it?

  16. No because it is history. Only Nazis and terrorist organization want them removed because that is what both the Nazis did and terrorist organizations do.
    You don't see the Jews or the Romani demanding the concentration camps opened as museums in Europe closed down. This because Jews and Romani are much smarter then those who want history removed from the US.
    This is why they as an ethnicity have progressed and a certain race in the US has regressed even to the point of where their neighborhoods are war zones not even fit for cockroaches.

  17. NONE should be removed nor any Southern Flags either

    Part of American History > Like it or Not !!!

    You can't change that and if ya don't like it you can Leave!

    Nobody alive today was a Slave either > Get over it !!!
    Nobody alive today was a Slave Owner > Get over it !!!

  18. 1255 please try doing more than simply reading the cover of the history book and a few excerpts before attempting to call out someone's knowledge base. The number of US Supreme Court cases and congressional wrangling BEFORE the civil war on the topic of slavery already disproves your half-baked long debunked theory ("it became important only after the war had started") The south was fighting to maintain an their cash cow (slavery) and the expansion of the institution west.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1255 please try doing more than simply reading the cover of the history book and a few excerpts before attempting to call out someone's knowledge base. The number of US Supreme Court cases and congressional wrangling BEFORE the civil war on the topic of slavery already disproves your half-baked long debunked theory ("it became important only after the war had started") The south was fighting to maintain an their cash cow (slavery) and the expansion of the institution west.

    August 15, 2017 at 1:24 PM

    I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I did say correct me if I was wrong did I not?

    Now if you could offer your argument in a more civilized way and cite these examples for me I would be happy to go read them.

    Ole Abe did, in fact, write what I stated and the north did want the money the south was making and they refused which at least contributed to the start of the war. It's not hard to believe slaves were involved in the making of that money since slavery was so prevalent in that time period.

    I am interested in reading those Congressional "wranglings" and other things you refer. So if you don't mind, and if you know, please point me in the direction where I may find them. Thanks.

  20. we should tear down all democrats and liberals for starting this bull.

  21. While we're at it, better demolish the Lincoln Memorial. From the Lincoln - Douglas debates, direct from The History Channel Website:

    "In their fourth debate, at Charleston, Illinois, on September 18, 1858, Lincoln made his position clear. “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,” he began, going on to say that he opposed blacks having the right to vote, to serve on juries, to hold office and to intermarry with whites."


    And The Washington Monument, because slave owner...
    And The Jefferson Memorial, because slave owner...

    And on...
    And on...
    And on...

    Historical figures can't be judged under standards from a different era.

    This is madness devised to stoke emotions and divide the people.

  22. Those who want to Remove everything are acting just like
    Russia or Nazi Germany >> trying to ERASE !!! FACT

    So Maybe it is YOU who are America's ENEMY !!!!

  23. In the Civil War (and other Wars ) BY FAR mostly WHITE
    Americans did the Fighting and Dieing and FEW Blacks or others Participated in the Battles that were fought!! Fact

    So, if anyone has the Say on what stays or what goes ....
    who do you think should have the Say ?????

    In the Civil War it was Whites fighting Whites who were all
    Americans and yes, a few Blacks did fight too , a FEW !!!

  24. The Civil war Never should have happened in the first place > the poor regular troops had no choice but fight
    or be shot by their own ....
    So senseless and waist of so many lives....that could have
    been avoided .......

    It was Govt against Govt > honchos in charge trying to force
    their way..... the people should have Refused to fight it

    Slavery was Wrong all throughout history, incl then ....
    It could have been stopped without war, and All should have
    been freed and sent Back were they came from .........

    The war was more about who controls $$$$ in the country
    than slaves......... about Cotton and who controls it

  25. If it was about states right, why were all state in the confederacy required to have slave according to their constitution? The states rights argument is BS!

  26. Leave our history and it's monuments alone! Liberals have all but destroyed the good old United States of America!

  27. None of them needed to be removed its a disgrace to this country we just sat and let this happen, and to the Confederate Flag. Why did it never become something the entire country should have had the right to vote on. If you don't like our history and think it's not true to what happened and that people learn from mistakes and make it all worse after hundreds of years leave.

  28. No. Remove the liberals.

  29. 2:33, It wasn't BS. The south was agricultural while the north was industrial. In the South Cotton was king. The Northern states charged heavy tariffs on the south for the cotton that was grown in the south. They had the population and dictated to the south how to run their own affairs. This had been happening even when the states were colonies of the British. The north also wanted the cheap labor that would be available to them from freed slaves from the south heading North. The industrialized factories were just another form of slavery from the cheap labor they would get from freed slaves. The south was also more aligned with the British. The British aided the South during the early days of the civil war with supplies. Jefferson Davis sent representatives to Great Britain concerning trade and assistance. The Southern states were tired of the Northern states telling them what to do. Kind of like the Red states Vs the Blue states today. Things really haven't changed that much today except for Slavery. Slavery has just taken another form in the way liberalism and government control of every facet of our lives. I believe a new civil war is coming.

  30. Only if they remove everything with Martin Luther King on it. His image offends me. Isn't that the argument used by the left wing snowflakes.

  31. Anyone that believes that all confederate monuments need to be removed, and that part of our history, and the South's history needs to be erased, are just goading the South to rise up again against the tyranny of the North.

  32. That will be a good way to lead our country right back to another civil war. I think we are already headed there.

  33. Bottom line is this wouldn't of happen if they had started letting the monuments to be destroyed. Where is that group of politicians judges or whom ever they owe this country an apology. This is our countries history like it or not.

  34. If they want them taken down Then get rid of black history month too

  35. Absolutely not.

  36. When you let them tear down the symbols of Christmas that should have been your first clue as to where we are headed.

  37. Affirmative Action (Reverse Discrimination against Whites)
    needs to be outlawed !!!
    Until then, there is NO Equality , and will be Division !!!

  38. Lets REMOVE the REMOVERS from our Country !!!!

  39. "Anonymous said...

    If it was about states right, why were all state in the confederacy required to have slave according to their constitution? The states rights argument is BS!

    August 15, 2017 at 2:33 PM"

    Where in the world does this nonsense come from? Fact is LESS then 10% and closer to 5% of white southerns owned slaves. It's a myth that the Union was fighting to free the slaves. They weren't...at first. It was about the economy and states' rights. The ONLY reason slavery became an issue was because the Union needed them to fight. Freeing the slaves was only a necessary step to win the war. It was a practical and necessary wartime measure and not a true liberation because they were immediately thrown into battle.

    Lincoln even wrote to a NY newspaper saying "“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.”

  40. ANON 8:24PM

    You need to read a book: Forced to Glory by Jerome Bennett former Ebony Editor. He spent the better part of 20 years researching Lincoln and you are dead wrong about his stance on slavery.

    In a nutshell, Lincoln wanted to send all the slaves back to Africa but couldn't do so as long as they were owned by plantation owners. He only signed the Emancipation under duress.

    I posted an article about this many moons back and there was a video attached. Article: http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2016/01/setting-record-straight.html

    You should at least watch the video if you can't find the time in your gripping life to read the long (200+ page) book!

  41. August 15, 2017 at 8:42 PM

    Thanks for posting that and I hope 1:24 reads it as well.

    I am a little confused about your reply to 824 but I am tired and my eyes are getting a little droopy so maybe I'm missing something.

  42. No. Most of them that are running their mouth are only doing it to get on the band wagon. These statues do not bother them at all. Others are doing it, so now they want their turn. When this is over they will find something new to cry about. Just no arguing with idiots. Martin Luther King was a womanizer and a drunk. Lets tear down his statues.

  43. "This is madness devised to stoke emotions and divide the people."
    Exactly right! Liberals stirring up trouble as Obama & Hillary cheer on.

  44. If they are so offended maybe they should take their "black lives matter" back to africa. all 13% go back and crime will drop 75%.

    1. 8:52 Now that's a plan I can back!! When are they leaving ?

  45. Absolutely NOT, they should not be removed. Leave the monuments alone. Removing them is not going to change history, what happended still happened, and 8:52 AM is absolutely correct.

  46. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No. Most of them that are running their mouth are only doing it to get on the band wagon. These statues do not bother them at all. Others are doing it, so now they want their turn. When this is over they will find something new to cry about. Just no arguing with idiots. Martin Luther King was a womanizer and a drunk. Lets tear down his statues.

    August 16, 2017 at 1:22 PM

    Until recently no one cared about these statues, as in the statues didn't bother anyone, no one was offended by them or at least it wasn't widely known if they were offended. This is just the latest object of their desire. Last week it was something else and next week it will be something else.

    I know someone who cannot drive now due to an illness. She is hypercritical of everyone else's driving now just because she cannot drive. These protesters are hyper critical of anything and everything because they don't have anything going on in their lives.

    If they had jobs, a productive and happy life, I think we would hear much less from this particular group, but that's just my opinion.

  47. @12:19, not to mention a drunk.

  48. Those statues are of veterans. Confederate Soldiers were made veterans of the United States by an act of Congress. They should be left alone. Just a bunch of idiots that want them taken down. A bunch of fools proving just how stupid they are.

  49. This is MADNESS!! Most people that are heading these removals up don't even realize that Gen. Rob't E. Lee was AGAINST SLAVERY and NEVER OWNED slaves!! SHAME!!


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