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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

TONIGHT: Tangier Mayor Wil Be On CNN With Al Gore at 9pm


  1. Basically Al called the guy a liar.

  2. Good Luck on getting Anything for Tangier !!!! LOL

  3. Hardly seems fair. One of them is a total moron, and the other is the Mayor of Tangier,

  4. I see the Mayor as the winner of this interaction. Gore, o course has his talking points well rehearsed, but the mayor LIVES THERE and has seen no rising water levels in many years.

    Gosh, I guess that means Gore wins? If so, you are stupid as Gore is.

  5. The elephant in the room of course is the weather modification ongoing by the US Military and several other militaries around the world. Ionosphere heaters and particulate releases into the atmosphere is the biggest problem our climate faces, and it is done intentionally. The amount of free form aluminum now on the surface is causing untold disease among the population.

  6. Why is your island getting smaller? What a dumbass you are Al, have you ever built a sand castle and watched the waves take it away. Only a liberal could sell this line of B.S.

  7. 2:34
    You are right on. First it was fake news now it's fake weather!
    Btw. Just found a whole roll of aluminum foil in my yard! WTF

  8. 2:34 AM I agree, but don't say that out loud. The sheeple will think you are a conspiracy theorist.

  9. Gore is a one-trick pony, and his trick is getting stale.

  10. We've had a small piece of ocean front property in our family for many years.

    My Great Grandfather was a weather junkie and put a very accurate water line marker on the pier about 70 years ago. He recorded his readings for years.

    The level in 2017 is exactly 1/8 LOWER than it was in 1940.

  11. He stumped Al. Al told a story instead of answering the question. Unreal

  12. Problem with Al and elites is that they feel education trumps experience.

  13. Most of the erosion of Tangier occurred in the 1800s, well before environmental stuff became fashionable.

  14. I've lived on the water my ENTIRE life and have not seen any evidence of sea level rise - period. Yes, I have seen erosion and it is a constant battle- replacing bulkheads and pilings and dirt- but the level of the water has not changed.
    Did you hear about the huge iceberg the size of Delaware that broke off Antarctica last month. All these Al Gore types were saying that the sea level would increase dramatically.
    Again, most of the frozen ice is already floating, so only the small percentage of frozen water on land would affect sea levels, which means they might rise by 1/2 of 1% if the global warming hoax is real.
    I love it when the local yokels are smarter than ManBearPig.

  15. The Mayor of Tangier Island, Va. did just fine...great job sir.


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