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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Tiger Woods DUI Arrest: Golfer Had Five Drugs in System, Toxicology Report Shows

Golf superstar Tiger Woods had painkillers, sleep drugs and an ingredient active in marijuana in his body when Florida police arrested him in May, a newly released toxicology report shows.

The report says the five different drugs that were traced in his system were: Hydrocodone, an opioid pain medication; Hydromorphone, another type of painkiller; Alprazolam, an anxiety drug also under the brand name Xanax; Zolpidem, a sleep drug also under the brand name Ambien; and Delta-9 carboxy THC, which is found in marijuana.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office did not say whether Woods had prescriptions for all of the medications or medicinal marijuana, which is legal in Florida.

Earlier this month, Woods agreed to enter a diversion program that would see his driving under the influence charge dropped later this year.



  1. I hope that someone will take legal action to get some control over this mans life. Obviously he he cannot help himself and is in pain. I don't want to be reading in future news articles that he died like Prince. Someone please read this as a cry for help and save him.

  2. If all the drugs that were in his system are legal, who in the hell's business is it ?

    1. Even if the drugs are legally prescribed, if he was impaired by them he can't drive

  3. Back to his original culture.

  4. PGA tour is doing just fine without Woods! Old news, uninformative, he no longer generates ratings!!! If he wants help, he'll get it and it effects NONE of us!

    Actually we all have much better things to worry about than poor old (soon to be 42 this year) Tiger!

  5. 3:33 I pray you have no children or grandchildren because you apparently have no compassion. Each man for himself in your world and the almighty dollar is your God....or rating in life. I had no idea Tiger is 42...you must have followed him well....did you lose a bet?

  6. 406, I think 333's point is that Tiger is a big boy now and has made bad decisions that lost him his wife and family life and career continues to make bad decisions today. Sure, he needs to get help, but he won't until he's ready, and neither you nor I can do anything about that.

  7. He won't get a Damn thing ....He is untouchable !!!!
    Anyone else would still be in jail awaiting trial !!!!

  8. He could have killed someone and Still Nothing would happen ....... and by looks of him on tv video ,he would have if
    police had not go to him first .........

  9. I wish I could make millions golfing all day...why do these talented people gravitate to drug, sex and ruin thier lives.There are millions of people who would live straight in exchange for half thier talent and success. So tired of seeing people throw away a gift for BS..he doesn't deserve all that talent.


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