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Friday, August 25, 2017

Thomas Jefferson, 'emblem of white supremacy,' targeted in UVA students' list of demands

University of Virginia students have issued a list of demands regarding a statue of Thomas Jefferson on campus because his visage allegedly serves as “an emblem of white supremacy.”

President Trump asked reporters on Aug. 15 if violence in Charlottesville over historical monuments would inspire campaigns against the nation’s third present. A coalition of minority student groups answered his call less than one week later with a list of demands for administrators.

The Minority Rights Coalition hosted a “March to Reclaim Our Grounds” on Aug. 21, at which point they revealed a ten-point ultimatum obtained by Campus Reform on Wednesday.

“The statue of Jefferson serves as an emblem of white supremacy, and should be re-contextualized with a plaque to include that history,” the students wrote.

The students also called for mandatory “education on white supremacy, colonization, and slavery as they directly relate to Thomas Jefferson, the University, and the city of Charlottesville,” the education watchdog reported.



  1. Keep demanding and their demands will cause these schools to just simply close!

  2. Wait until these snowflakes get out into private industry - where 1st amendment (freedom of speech) doesn't apply.

    Open that yapper one too many times about what you think and YOU"RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Give them a refund and send them home.

  4. They need to read the history books again, apparently they don't know the truth. Get off the phones and read you might learn the real history!


  5. 1:52 has partial solution.

    Put on Probation and then Expel when they don't comply.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Wait until these snowflakes get out into private industry - where 1st amendment (freedom of speech) doesn't apply.

    Open that yapper one too many times about what you think and YOU"RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    August 25, 2017 at 11:29 AM

    "YOU"RE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    What the Hell makes you think they want to work? They aren't working now!!!!!!!!!!


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