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Monday, August 28, 2017

The Search For Fusion GPS’ Mysterious Republican Client

One of the biggest mysteries looming over the Trump-Russia saga is the identity of the political donors who hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Donald Trump.

Almost no information has been provided in press reports about a Hillary Clinton ally who, last June, reportedly hired Fusion GPS to investigate the former real estate magnate. Fusion would go on to hire former British spy Christopher Steele to carry out that investigation. He compiled a 35-page dossier of uncorroborated allegations about Trump’s activities in Russia that BuzzFeed News published in January.

Some clues have been released regarding a Republican who reportedly hired Fusion GPS. According to news reports, that client is a major GOP donor who was adamantly opposed to Trump. They reportedly hired Fusion GPS in Sept. 2015 and paid the Washington, D.C.-based firm nearly $1 million to investigate Trump.


1 comment:

  1. This report is hilarious because it's been long known that Jeb Bush was the original customer that ordered this fake news report to be created when he saw he was losing to Trump in the primaries. These investigations are a huge waste of time when facts do leak through the propaganda press every once in a while. Another waste of taxpayer cash. We pay for this nonsense instead of fixing bridges and interstates that have fallen in disrepair.


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