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Monday, August 21, 2017

The media shouts 'racist' and Trump doesn't believe them. That's their fault

When the national media have spent years accusing innocent people of being "racist," it should come as a shock to precisely no one that President Trump didn't instantly stand at attention to condemn a tiny group of white supremacists.

Reporters and cable news commentators spent the last week either suggesting or plainly stating that Trump harbors some racial animus because he said that "both sides" bear blame for the violence in Charlottesville, Va., that resulted in the death of one woman and scores of injuries.



  1. If there's anyone to ask about race issues and expect a load of crap answer, it would surely be Al Sharpton.


  2. People have become so conditioned by this name-calling and PC-shaming.. this technique has worked very well for the progressive/liberal wing (the REAL fascists..)

    Up till now..

    Mr Trump and others are finally realizing that "sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can never hurt you"

    Unless you LET them hurt you.

    Do you know who you are and what you believe? And what is right and wrong?

    STAND UP for it. Stand your ground and ignore the tantrums that the lefties throw when you do something they don't like.

    Just ignore them. You are just as entitled to your opinion as they are, and you are under no obligation to help them manage their neurotic behavior.


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