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Friday, August 25, 2017

The Media Normalize the Antifa Extreme

In March, "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd made an ad for his show in which he lamented to the public: "What about our politics? Are there any rules anymore, and if so, will anybody play by them?" Todd assured viewers that he and NBC would enforce some rules. "These days, politics could use a little refereeing," he intoned. "And we're not afraid to blow the whistle."

Wrong. The rulebook is being shredded. The antifa movement, or anti-fascist movement of far-left-leaning militant groups, is justifying violent action in the streets to beat back racists and neo-Nazis. Violence — not as an accidental outburst but as an explicit strategy — used to be seen as a beyond-the-pale extreme. Now Todd & Co. are ushering antifa's extreme into polite society.

The NBC referees believe rioting is worth at least some respect as a way to jolt the debate to the left. On the streets, the real referees, the police, are getting injured with rocks and urine-filled bottles to the head. We've lost count of the number of cops who have been murdered by Black Lives Matter supporters.

More here


  1. what happened to Russia ? What happened to the recount? Lol

  2. This Antifa group does not stand for "anti-fascists", they are Antifa (anti-first amendment) this group is actually in favor of fascism... WAKE UP AMERICA


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