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Friday, August 25, 2017

The Forgotten History of White Slaves in America

Kirsters Baish| The Left is convinced that all African Americans are owed everything they could possibly want because of the fact that slavery once existed in America. There’s a big problem with these claims. White slaves existed as well.

America is going through what seems like a never-ending race war. The Left is livid with whites for ever having own slaves. The mainstream media outlets have been on a rampage to attack Conservatives, calling them a bunch of racists. They are preaching about killing White Supremacists. The problem with their argument is that blacks weren’t the only ones who were enslaved. White slaves existed as well! Why don’t Irish families whose ancestors were slaves receive compensation for their suffering?

It seems like the Left is always demanding that every race except for white people deserve a free ride? We have established that there is no superior race, but the Left is hellbent on dividing our country. When our country began, white slaves were just as relevant as black slaves, but we wouldn’t know that thanks to the way our mainstream media reports and race baits.

Political Mayhem wrote:


  1. Liberals will tell you these are Indentured Servants not slaves. Only black people were slaves.

  2. Another thing the Libtards don't tell you is that the industrial North was worse than slave labor because they made people work long hours up to 20 hours a day and many people were injured or died. That is why we have Fair Labor Standards and OSHO these days.

  3. If you believe any of that crap you are saying use your real name.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you believe any of that crap you are saying use your real name.

    August 26, 2017 at 10:10 AM

    Why? So you can target and harass them?

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Indentured servants were enslaved to pay dept usually for criminal behavior ... it's a punshihment you can't compare this to black slavery

    August 26, 2017 at 7:54 PM,

    Yeah, It's the same thing only different. Same thing, but different reasons for doing it.

  6. Blacks were owners and sellers of black slaves as well


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