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Friday, August 04, 2017

The First Six Months


  1. Just imagine how much longer that list would be if the Democrats and Rinos had not obstructed. MAGA!

  2. Good work President Trump. Make America Great Again is working. Keep up the good work. With all this B.S. about Russia and the liberals trying to block everything you do. We the middle class working America stand behind you 100%.
    So just remember we support you. Keep it up.

  3. And this is only within his first 180 days! Think how many pages this will be after another 7.5 years!!

  4. Making America Great Again
    Trump/Pence 2020!

  5. I'm with both 8:53 and 9:02, MAGA!

  6. Donated his quarterly salary to Education and Civil War battlefield, with more to come every quarter.

  7. Non of that took any diplomacy or working with Congress. He has failed to pass any significant legislation including Healthcare reform, tax reform and wall building. Strengthening relations with Russia? Do you have any sources other than Rush?

    1. Agree 100%.
      Nothing but blah blah blah and failed campaign promises. He'll only get to bully people around for so long. This isn't the apprentice. He should have the class to admit he's out of his depth and stand down before his buffoonery destroys what little credibility this country has left.


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